Hi Jimmy, yes, I know what you mean. its one complete unit, I dont have a pic, but imagine all 4 injectors in a row. the fuel leak pipe has a "circular" part that fits over the injector, this circular part has a tiny hole in it that sucks up any fuel and returns it to the pump. Its a complete unit, like copper, do NOT bend it i cant stress that enough. In the middle, there is the return pipe, you can see it, make sure you keep hold of that return pipe when you remove it, other wise it will flop down by the pump and its a pain to get at. To remove the pipe, you have to undo all four injectors im afraid, and move them out of the way. its tight unless you have some play in those four injector pipes, so be carefull!
To remove it , you have to undo two "bolts" on each injector, first is the pipe, second is the bit that holds the fuel leakage pipe on. actually i think I did a write up on the process so if you want that, send me your email and i will mail it to you. its in DOCX format for word 2007. its not super duper detaild, but its all there.