Clivvy, get yourself the Galaxy S II then, that's a proper iphone killer:sly
well im sticking with my htc touch hd, 2 years old and still little on market to touch it.
was looking at motorola atrix, nice gadget, and addons to make it a netbook, ie
netbook carcass, the phone docks in, only £300 for addon !
sod that just bought an acer 5553 on clearance at work, quad core amd 3gb and
320 hdd, radion gfx. paid £270 with discount!
the htc is on windows mobile 6.1 as i recall.
just getting used to win7 on the acer, hoping to get phone to act as dongle as
have so much data allowance already on it.
oh and sent from an advent 7048 laptop on xp sp3 7 years old pentium 4 still
rocking other than battery long dead so is a portable desktop mode and backup
again to the new beast.
not had any apples, though played at work, great build quality but always laugh
when customers say oh i can put windows on it, buy a sony or hp, or frankly
buy an acer and have some fun with the cash you save.
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