Power Steering

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May 26, 2013
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Hi guys.Does anyone where i can get replacement aluminium power steering pipes.the ones that run underneath the radiator.
I have a small leak where one of the retaining brackets secure the pipe.
It looks like over time moisture has got in to the rubber clamp and corroded the pipe.
I have done a temporary repair with Araldite.And the leak is only very minor.
But i like things to be as they should.
So any help would be greatly appreciated.:)
2001 Terry SE 3dr 2.7 TDI
Just get rid of them mate, they're pointless

Cut the pipe with a hacksaw at pump and fit rubber pile from there to the reservoir
Yup,that is sort of what i thought But surly Nissan built it that way for a reason.
Yeah thats what i thought.But i am sure Nissan built it for a reason?
And I am still in the mind of it's to do with the pressure.
As anyone else done away with these pipes ?
They are supposedly a bit of a heat sink/cooler

Perhaps make a difference in some parts of Spain where it's 40c for months at a time, I doubt it, but pointless here in old blightly
Nissan will sell you them for £200+VAT:lol most spring a leak under the fixings at some stage but as they are an oil cooler I kept mine & just cut the pipes & sleeved over some 9mm ID (nissan use a none standard size) power steering pipe & made up some new larger fixings & never had another leak & knew the P/S fluid or pump wasn't going to over heat (It's there for a reason)
Nissan can take a flying F"!k,My pension won't stretch to £200+vat.Lol.

I know the feeling as i'm out of work hence why I sleaved the pipes which cost a fiver:thumbs just popped to the breakers & got some rubber P/S pipe off another nissan so knew it would be a perfect fit