Power drop off

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2010
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Hi, could just be me getting used to the engine, but I've noticed a couple of things on my 3.0 T2.

Firstly, sometimes not always, if I accelerate the engine seems to be struggling, lacking power.

On other occaisions like today, accelerating again, hear the turbo whine kick in, then just dropped off straight away, again starving power. Had this a couple of times, hear the turbo spin up then just drop off well before I need it to!

Fuel filter 'looks' new, air filter has a few bugs etc, no major amount of crud.

Any ideas, apart from changing air/fuel filters?

Are we talking pinholes in the lines itself or checking all joints?
if you see the fuel line looking darker then the surround. Im sure its not dripping as youd notice that.

so pin hole, only needs a small hole, like a slow puncture, to slow you down as it can SUCK all the air in it needs,
And if it is that, it's a new fuel line that needs fitting the I suspect?
pass, ive no idea, but the manual will tell you...

i THINK a few here have just cut the bad bit out and fitter proper rubber fuel lines..
Ok, will check the fuel lines when I get back, but driving up the yard last night, the turbo isn't kicking in all the time when accelerating. Went to overtake a tortoise and over 2200 revs and no turbo. Also, when the turbo does kick in it sometimes drops off sudddenly almost straight away, as mentioned before, is this still a fuel problem, or is there something which tells the turbo to kick in etc, vacume hose etc.

I know the turbo is pwoered by the exhaust gases, but something's telling it to kick in and then stop when needed the most.
Ooooh, where are they and what do they look like?
did you get check light, and get any codes.

the zd30 has a common over boost issue which i
get sometimes. feels like wont accelerate any more
though isnt dying either, almost like a strange
cruise control only it clears if you ease off then
reapply some welly.

theres a link for the patrol 30 manual on line about
and an unofficial one by an ozzy, sure zippy has
the link, oh here it is !

http://users.on.net/~aschulze/ZD30/ZD30 Y61 Reference Document - Colour.pdf

a lot of the engine will apply i reckon to the 3.0 t2
Nope, no lights etc, just wanting to accelerate, whine of turbo (sometimes) and then no whine of turbo but still wanting to accelerate but lacking power. That 'self test' article certainly sounds exactly what I'm experiencing, will have a closer look when I get back.
they are the two large rubber pipes connecting the I/C to the turbo...not sure what it looks like on yours!
Ok, I'll check all my fuel pipes and turbo i/c (I assume that's intercooler) pipes, all pipes to the turbo for that matter, tomorrow. Should be able to get it pressurewashed, so also see where this leak is coming from.
Steam cleaned the engine...no leaks found. Oil on sump (related thread) I think was due to spillage when filling by previous owner as no apparent leaks.

Fuel lines look ok, no leaks, slight rust, gonna treat with ACF50 whilst weather is dry, actually there's a few patches of rust on the chassis, so treating the whole thing!

Tightened all 'air' pipes to turbo, filter and intercooler etc, not that loose but two or three turns on the spanner at least.

Taking for a spin tonight, will try the 'overboost' test as well, but not sure what to do if there is a problem, apart from fitting a boost guage!
Still not sure if there really is a problem. Washed and inspected chassis, lines etc, no obvious leaks.

I just wonder if the best power/turbo range for the 3.0l is 1000 to 2300 rpm? It's a diesel and they are designed to be torqueier on the lower revs as opposed to a petrol being higher reving.

I find I get good acceleration between 1k and 2.3k rpm, anything over that and you can hear the turbo really spin up then cut off, which (from an earlier reply) is the overboost protection.

Any ideas or is this who the engine is supposed to act?