poppy burners

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By way of a bit of balance (and personally I don't give a toss what the bloke thinks; I'd rather it was out in the open so we know where we stand) just two things:

Firstly, while I would hope that we'd be a bit more respectful of such an event of 'theirs', their wars mean as little to us as ours do to them if we're honest, plus the Middle East has little respect for human life anyway, which is why they don't have such things as Remembrance Day so don't really understand the depth of feeling that we have for it.

And secondly, given the apparent contempt that some sections of our society seem to hold for this day, is it any wonder?:





nice to see a bit of balance! I don't condone the actions of this man think he has made a complete 'arse' of himself, and i am glad our country gives people the opportunity to show their true colours so we can all see them for what they are. Though i also worry at how quickly commenting on the actions of one person, or a few persons, turns into an outbreak of Xenophobia among certain 'readerships'. :augie
yeah I agree and guess what? He gets nearly 800 quid a month from our government in benefits. Is this the real world or am I on fantasy island!
nice to see a bit of balance! I don't condone the actions of this man think he has made a complete 'arse' of himself, and i am glad our country gives people the opportunity to show their true colours so we can all see them for what they are. Though i also worry at how quickly commenting on the actions of one person, or a few persons, turns into an outbreak of Xenophobia among certain 'readerships'. :augie

i had to look that word up lol :lol

xenophobia [ˌzɛnəˈfəʊbɪə]
(Psychology) hatred or fear of foreigners or strangers or of their politics or culture
xenophobic adj
I wonder what punishment a Brit would meet if he burnt the Koran in a Moslem Country ?

A £50 fine ?

I think not !

Tolerance is a British one-way street I suspect.
yeah I agree and guess what? He gets nearly 800 quid a month from our government in benefits. Is this the real world or am I on fantasy island!

i think you are yes :doh

i would guess that many people who commit crimes are at some point in their lives 'on benefits' the two things aren't really related are they.

more importantly why do we keep letting these type of threads run :nenau

they just bring out the worst in people, and there is very few people who start them.
i think the benefit and crime things meant more along lines of this chappy who hates the western way of doing things and wants an islamic state/laws is quite happy for the hated british state (ie tax payer) to pay him to live in this hatefull horrid country,hypacrit springs to mind!
if we ban threads like these do we not make a mockery of your thoughts on the merits of our tolerant society that allows freedom of speech so this idiot can burn poppys and chant hate at descent people? can you imkagine how grieving parents who may be there to show respect for recently killed son/daughter mustve felt knowing there son/daughter died to allow this to happen.
if he dont like it here im sure gadafi or some such despot could find him a job!
i think the benefit and crime things meant more along lines of this chappy who hates the western way of doing things and wants an islamic state/laws is quite happy for the hated british state (ie tax payer) to pay him to live in this hatefull horrid country,hypacrit springs to mind!
if we ban threads like these do we not make a mockery of your thoughts on the merits of our tolerant society that allows freedom of speech so this idiot can burn poppys and chant hate at descent people? can you imkagine how grieving parents who may be there to show respect for recently killed son/daughter mustve felt knowing there son/daughter died to allow this to happen.
if he dont like it here im sure gadafi or some such despot could find him a job!

Jace, I'm not doing this any more, ignorance is bliss as they say and you must be ecstatic. I have leaned there are some people it's just not worth talking to - over and out :thumb2
no ones being ignorant mate,most think it was disgusting to A. protest in way they did at such an ocasion. B. a fifty quid fine sends out a message of do what you like the british justice system dont care C. out there fighting for afghan to be brought into line with uk in terms of rights etc,stuff you
and if anyone thinks were wrong to talk about this they are supressing our rights of free speech,no one is advocating doing anything like smashing door in or atacking him in street,most cant believe how tax payers money wasted on him in benefits or how he has the audacity as to be so two faced to acept it from the hated british state! no doubt thousands in legal aid!
not racist mate,being talked about on prime ministers questions 5mins ago!
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