Poor old Bill...

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Jul 20, 2014
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Bill's been having a hard time of it.

He's depressed, feels no self worth, can't see any point in living. His friends make fun of him and mock him, no one wants to be around him, his family are embarrassed by him. He really is at the lowest point of his life.

His wife is very worried about him. She speaks to his doctor who tells her that there's nothing physically wrong with him, it's a psychological problem. The doctor suggests that his wife persuades him to attend a group therapy.

He agrees, and turns up to his first meeting. They sit in a circle and the facilitator starts by asking each person to explain a little about why they are there.

There's Mark, who's wife left because he had anger issues. Paul who left his wife because she was gay and he blames himself. Rita, who's got a bad gambling habit and so it goes on.

Eventually it comes to Bill. "Why are you here Bill? " asked the facilitator.

"My family are embarrassed by me, my friends mock me, no one wants to know me, life's not worth living "

"Why do think this is? " asks the facilitator.

"I think it may be to do with my job" replies Bill.

"Why, what do you do? " asks the facilitator.

Bill breaks down, sobbing uncontrollably. The people next to him comfort him.

The facilitator says "it can't be that bad Bill, what do you do? "

Bill bows his head in shame and in a wavering voice replies...

..."I fit indicators to BMW's".
Saw an advert for a BMW the other day,
BMW 316, low mileage, FSH, leather trim, INU,
I must admit, never heard of this one so I looked it up.

INU Indicators Never Used.

It's also a feature on Audis too. Probably just as well, as on some cars like our Yeti, you have to remove the front bumper to change an indicator bulb.:doh

Progress :doh