One of the most interesting points was the boss from the spud factory. He admitted he paid lower wages to immigrants than Brits, and the immigrants saw them as good wages.
I was just about to start ranting on when he was asked what the impact of employing Brits would be.
Put dead simply the cost to the consumer would go up and from his point of view the extra money he would be paying out would justify in him investing the money instead in an automated potato processing system, presumably far more reliable than most humans

Therefore no manual jobs for anyone, immigrants, one.
Sobering thought really and certainly wakes you up to the fact theres more to it than the "he's got my job" argument.
As far as the people they used, yes some real lazy twats. That 26yr old skateboarding x box player needs a kick up the arse as does that 19yr mollycoddled florists son who said the right words but when he was handed a job where pay was directly proportionate to his effort he couldnt be arsed. Ironically even with his wimpish efforts he still made more pro rata than his dole pays out !!!!! Losers
In fairness though the others in the field did have a go, the lad in the restaurant tried and the spud packers seemed to get on with it (eventually)
Best one of all the chippy & his mate even got kept on in favour of the immigrant worker.
I thought it was a good balanced prog but some of the ****ers give you an idea why we're in the state we are
My 18 yr old was made redundant last year. He has a good work ethos but it was made abundantly clear to him he would get nowt unless he at least made the effort to try and find work and he was to take anything so his cv read "employed" until he got back to what he wanted.
In fairness to him I was dead proud he did just that and his old boss has now taken him back on so he's happy. However one of the things she did ask him was what had been doing in the interim and was over the moon with the answer :thumb2