Pokemon Go Advice, Watch out for thieves.

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Feb 23, 2007
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I get Smart Alerts from the police, through Neighbourhood watch, and this was sent today. OK we are in Staffordshire, but applies all over.

Take care.
Uncle Rustic

Pokémon Go Advice

Your latest Smart Alert.

People in Staffordshire are being warned to stay safe and take steps to protect their personal data when playing Pokémon Go, the latest online gaming craze. Staffordshire Police is also urging people to take into account personal safety if going to locations that are unknown to them that could, potentially, place themselves in a vulnerable situation.

In addition, people are also being urged to use common sense and sensible judgement and not to go to places and locations they would ordinarily not got to on a day to day basis, such as hospitals or A&E departments.

Literally millions of gamers across the world are downloading the app which uses your phone’s clock and GPS to detect where you are in the game and make Pokémon appear around you on your screen so you can find and catch them. If gamers move around, more types of Pokémon will appear according to the time and your location.

Officers are urging players to remember the real world when catching Pokémon by issuing the following top tips:-

Remember, don’t make yourself vulnerable - don't be tempted to take your phone out in busy or unlit areas where you could be a target for thieves.

Always concentrate on any dangers around you and be especially careful when crossing the road – look where you are going and what is coming, don’t just focus on your mobile phone.

Never play the game when driving as this is a criminal offence and you will be prosecuted if caught.

Ensure that you don't trespass on private property

For more information and advice, please visit the Get Safe Online website -

In my opinion, if you get your phone stolen while playing this game, you fully well deserved it.
Saw literally hundreds of the idiots in the town of Hasselt (Belgium) this weekend.
There's a definite safeguarding issue with this too, apparently there were two of these virtual creatures in a local school playground Wednesday. Very wrong as there had been an incident of someone trying to get into the playground and collect the thing.
I've been playing it and admit I have become a bit obsessed, 7 of us from work went round the park at lunch yesterday to catch some lol, you have to remember though that when the original Pokemon game came out with the trading cards that you played with and swapped between friends, that was my era so I was very excited when this was released.

I think it's good in the respect that for once technology is actually getting people back outside and doing exercise, I have a very overweight colleague at work who literally just eats and games, he came in last week and told us that he had been out and walked 15km just to catch Pokemon!!!!

There are for sure strong security issues with children visiting areas they may not know very well and getting their phones stolen which is a shame but what can you do about scum? Not much, I'd like to see them try and take my phone, I'd kick them in the side of the head :thumbs
Apart from the obvious danger of people walking around staring at their phone screen, the game also takes a very good look at what data you have on your phone.

I for sure will not install it.