agree 100% , and thats where the flaws in the procedure to get rid of her started.
Times have changed, no we do not is no longer 100% correct,
We are starting too when they can often be seen to have been incompetent and vicarious liability amongst other things requires heads to roll following a failure to respond appropriately to known or perceived threat.
Thus we currently have several senior fire officers facing criminal charges following a major incident. The results of that will have massive ramifications for decision making during critical and major incidents in all organisations.
Responsibility will go straight to the top and land firmly on the desk of the exec/strategic/gold "leaders", call em what you want but its their baby thats why they are paid mega bucks and thats why they are required to fall upon the sword.
So was it right she was sacked? Paul is correct imho, abso100%lutely, and the pratts who followed her ineptitude should too.
Was she sacked in the correct manner ? no good old new (discredited) labour made sure of that.