picked up a c.b today ... any good ?

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its a midland dual voltage 12-24v

alan 28 excel multi with esp2

and a sprig type Ariel about 4 ft long

all means nothing to me. all i know is i got a box with a c.b in it

i dont know how it works or how to fit but the chap said i could make it run through my cigarette lighter

any tips would be good

do you have a pic of your coax cable and ariel cos you might not have to use a sware meter i have fitted a few cb's where i used to work
do you have a pic of your coax cable and ariel cos you might not have to use a sware meter i have fitted a few cb's where i used to work

thats the only problem i got right now... no coax i forgot it and bloody left it there,

having looked into it standard t.v coax is the stuff anyway ?????

so i just need some connectors to areal and c.b im guessing maplin for them ???
i will have a look at what i have as i do have a few bits left i think but no sure till i look will let you know
having looked into it standard t.v coax is the stuff anyway ?????

IIRC TV stuff is 75ohm you need 50ohm for CB (again IIRC) anyway, TV stuff is wrong you will definitely mess up your SWR.

SWR - standing wave ratio.

This is basically the amount of signal that is reflected back down the feeded (coax) to the rig due to a miss matched aerial.

The less is reflected the more is available to propogate (transmit) from the aerial - so you'll get further. Also if too much is refleced back you stand a good change of damagin the otput stage of your rig. Modern rigs are more resilient to this than they used to be but it still applies.

Theres much more on it, better put and how to use a swr meter etc HERE

Or wait for Jims terrano to come along he's better at these things than me being a full HAM license holder.

PS - even so called Pre-swr'd aerial really need swring in to get the best from them - they will be close enough to use but its only a matter of cutting a bit off your aerial to improve things and taking a few measurements.
Just to let you guys know this is all interesting reading:thumbs
Got no idea what you are talking about but I am learning:nenau:lol
ok the next thing... is there a code of conduct for these things ... yes i can behave occasionally

is there a popular channel to use for 4x4's

anyone recommend a good book to read (on c.b's )
Just to let you guys know this is all interesting reading:thumbs
Got no idea what you are talking about but I am learning:nenau:lol

J know what you mean! I bought mine off ebay, wired it up, stuck aerial on roof Bobs your aunty:cool:
Now I find I have to cut bits off my twig and stick an swr up it:naughty
ok the next thing... is there a code of conduct for these things ... yes i can behave occasionally

is there a popular channel to use for 4x4's

anyone recommend a good book to read (on c.b's )

Theres alsorts of throw backs from the days it was a popular hobby.

Things like

Ch 9 is emergency channel (only no one listens to it)

Ch14 is calling channel (have tried but never had a copy back on there)

Ch19 is allegedly used by truckers but I've never come across any evidence of this - some of the HGV drivers may be able to confirm.

Ch16 is popular with some offroads as 4x4=16

Other than that, no swearing, no broadcasting music etc and you won't go far wrong. Just use english most of the time, Out and Over for end of transmission and conversation can help to make life easier but not essential. Don't get hung up on handles and all the vocab no one seems to use it any longer.

I rarely turn mine on except when out with or meetng up with friends and these days I definitely tend to favour HAM, theres too many plonkers out there on CB especially considering how few people out there still use it.
a good book is "THE DUMMYS GUIDE TO CB" you might get it from maplins aswell, Terranosaurus is right you need 50 ohm co-ax for cb, again maplins.:splif

langdale quest used to use eu 9 cos one was ever on it lol
i dont know either... id love a cb for off roading and holidays.. find out whats happing on the road too.

where you got your fitted makeitfit? and where you putting yours Ex me old mate!?

Hey Zippy this could be your lucky day :cool:
I've just found my old CB in the garage. It's a basic 40channel jobbie by that well known maker "Binetone":rolleyes:
Anyway it worked when it was in my daughter's Suzuki
Yours for a £10 note(inc mic)