performance chips for Pathfinder

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Does anyone here have a performance chip fitted to a new style Pathfinder or D40 Navara?

I am looking to fit one, but there ain't a lot of choice, from what I can see!

Diesel Tuner say they do one, but i don't know anything about them and am a little dubious. I have used Superchips before but they don't do one for the Pathy.

I have reservations also, cos at 170hp for a 2.5 4 pot as standard, this seems quite highly tuned out of the box!

Any help appreciated.

think there all around £400-500 mate think theres a link/discount from company called diesel bob on here somewhere maybe right bottom forum lists
Is this the same as having the ECU re-mapped??
chips usally fit into loom somewhere by ecu and can be taken out when u sell car, remap is where your cars barain (ecu) has new lot software written to it,bluefinn is one ive heard off angel tunning will remap aswell
Chip or re-map; same thing really. They both re-map the ecu for (generally but not exclusively) boost and fuel mixture.

Generally a re-map is done with a laptop, ideally with a rolling road to hand, and is vehicle specific.
A 'chip' is normally a stand-alone box, chopped into the wiring to do the same thing, but is vehicle generic.

Anyway, I presume no-one has done this then?

Does everyone on here own old Terranos and Mavericks?

Have I wasted £10? It certainly looks that way at present.
no few with pathfinders x trails navaras but 170bhp usally enough try navara forum there all into 22" rims an chips!