Yet another Newbie

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Oct 21, 2017
Reaction score
Hi All,

Proud owner of a Y61 Patrol 3.0Di (2001 vintage) popping my head over the wall to say Hi.

For the last 12 years or so I have used another manufacturer's 4z4 offering (a grey import) as transport when required for the bossess, 4 kids, 2 dogs and occasionally the mother-in-law as well, and also as tug for our mobile holiday home! :D Scarcity and silly prices when replacement time came round led to the search for an alternative, and the Patrol seemed to fit the bill nicely.

So far, after a month's ownership, I'm certainly not disappointed with the truck, even going so far to say that (failed flywheel excepted) I am really enjoying the Patrol experience.

One BIG question though - can I really not use 4HI on tarmac?

For the last 12 years I've enjoyed the choice of using either 2HI or 4HI on road as I felt fit. Can the centre diff on these beasts really not cope with lack of wheel slippage when in 4HI?

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Cheers all,

Hi Kev and welcome aboard. Sounds like a nice motor you have there, I’m fancying a trol myself but not for a little while yet. There are several people on here with Patrol experience on here so someone will be a long. If the drive train is similar to a terrano it doesn’t have a centre diff which is why 4wd couldn’t be used on a hard surface. This said I’m no Patrol expert so it may not be a similar setup as a Terrano.
Welcome bud, from another Trol owner :thumb2

Had a 3.0 Y61 like yours previously and now running an older swb 4.2 Y60.

Jim is on the ball, there is no centre diff on the Trols so don't use 4H on tarmac as wheels need to be able to slip.
Thanks both for your replies.

Yep, no centre diff would preclude use of 4Hi on tarmac! :doh

Don't really know why I didn't think of that, other than that I sort of assumed that the 'diff-lock' switch was for the centre diff - which I now know it obviously isn't .... :lol


Thanks both for your replies.

Yep, no centre diff would preclude use of 4Hi on tarmac! :doh

Don't really know why I didn't think of that, other than that I sort of assumed that the 'diff-lock' switch was for the centre diff - which I now know it obviously isn't .... :lol



Rear axle difflock, far better ;)
Thought about something like a Delica, they seem rather practical, and got more headroom than a Terrano/.
Hi all,

Sorry for (very) late response - my tardiness is unforgiveable.

Pics of 'Deli-Action' not really worthwhile - best I could manage would be sedate progress across a campsite with caravan attached. :lol

Flywheel was indeed DMF - now sorted.

Have since also had the rear chassis rails welded up - although I knew about this issue when I bought the truck.

Still enjoying it ….. :thumbs

Cheers all
