The problem is, and the press make this very difficult to differentiate, Religion, social status, nationality and immigration have nothing to do directly with the conversation relating to what happened in Paris.
Saying all Muslims are terrorist, because of what is happening currently, is like saying all Catholics are terrorists, because of what happened in northern Ireland, or all Christians are terrorists, because of the crusades/witches/Indians/aborigines/....The same with the whole Israel/Palestine issues at the moment, depending on what side of the fence you were born, or care to look at it, both nationalities are terrorists. The list goes on and on..
Religion as a whole, what ever the faith, is ultimately a brain washing cult, and cults seem to get people doing bad things to others, but it's not just cults, anywhere you can group people under a single name, and then get them all together, bad things can happen. Look at us as a group of Nissan lovers, we are rightly or wrongly, (an usually jokingly) intolerant of LR's, and reading the forum, you would think we would never tolerate a landrover driver to even read our posts, yet there are actually many members who (secretly) either have/do/or aspire to owning one.
It seems that as soon as two people have differing opinions, they can't live and let live, they have to convert the other person to their way of thinking, and when these people get into groups, by the laws of averages, you are going to get some people in that group that are hardcore, and take things a bit too far. Since religion is such a personal thing to most people, matters are made far worse as it then involves emotions about what is after all, a hypothetical belief of both people.
Guys, please put this topic back into perspective, and don't let the cowards win by causing division every where....
These people are a minority group of cowards, who like the bully at school, seek to further their nefarious cause by causing havoc, and using anything handy to their cause as an excuse to do this. Because of hundreds of years of bad things being done in the call of religion, it is an intrinsically ingrained instinct for humans to react to this, and it always blows out of control, making it perfect for their desires.
Ironically, with the internet giving access to unbiased information at the click of a button, this should now be easy to cure, but still people let other people with their own agendas, like the press, and politicians, dictate what they think, instead of reading both sides of the story and making their own mind up. It's those that do read all sides when it comes to religion, that are becoming atheists, as they do not want to be associated with any one religion
Please stick to the facts....
A group of cowards called ISIS did this.
Stop including the other huge group of Ummah who live their life by a honourable set of rules, just like the majority of jews, druids, wiccans, christians, and buddhists. Remember too, that some of the members of ISIS are were actually, "christian" people who have converted to Muslim so they can go and join them.
From my point of view, as someone brought up as a Christian, and who is still surrounded by many, I have made my own personal views about how to live my life, just like most sane, normal, religious people. Sadly, some of the worst people I have ever met, have supposedly, been Christians, and some of the nicest, have been Muslims, and in the same vain, being part of a volunteer 4x4 group, some of the nicest, considerate, helpful people I have met are landrover drivers, one or two are even Muslim landrover drivers.... god forbid!!! The thing is, when we are doing good work, and helping other people, who cares what our beliefs are, so why should we suddenly care when bad things happen?