FWIW, I did several thousand miles over the summer after Nissan fitted a new boost sensor, about 1500 miles of it towing a caravan - no problem at all.
Just before Christmas, guess what - 65mph on the motorway accelerating up onto the M66 from Haslingden and suddenly, the dreaded power loss when the 'Troll goes into limp mode. When I got home, I checked for ECU fault codes and yes, we have a 0905 code (boost pressure sensor). Weird or what .....
As the fault seemed exactly the same as before and as the motor is still otherwise running just fine, my guess was that the boost sensor (Charge Air Pressure sensor) had failed again. I rang Westway Nissan and explained what had happened and they agreed to change the sensor under warranty. I've been driving the car pretty gently and didn't experience the problem at all in January after the second new Boost sensor had been fitted - but earlier today, pretty much the same bit of motorway coming back from Haslingden and we get the sudden power loss again - and the 0905 boost pressure ECU fault. I'm now thinking that I just haven't got to the bottom of this yet - the fault must be something different - possibly a problem with a blocked EGR valve or some problem with the turbo wastegate or its actuator.
I'm pretty confident that West Nissan will not be able to diagnose the problem effectively. For sure they could just keep swapping stuff until the problem goes away, but that's likely to be way expensive. Just maybe the best (and possibly cheapest) solution is to take the motor to an expert. So, unless I can think of any better approach, I'm going to give Diesel Bob's a ring one day next week. If they can't diagnose the problem, no one can.
Ho hum ..............