Whatever your view of the police and their failures or success, there will be more failures and bad news if all of this is implemented.
The reason for that is so simple theyre either ignoring it or overlookng it trying to be clever looking beyond.
Policing is not as simple as they would have you believe. First question is what actually is the so called tabloid and govt developed group of "front line" ? no definition has ever been published anywhere. Lots of debate and opinion but no set criteria.
What is percieved as the front line, ie uniformed response and neighborhoods despite the generally excellent work they do imho , are only a small part in a very big picture.
Behind them you have massive support and investigative set ups who like them generally do a great job.
The crux is those units are usually staffed by experienced or well switched on cops.
The new proposals quite simply dont support retention of those groups.
I genuinely believe you will see a situation, hopefully not in my lifetime, where policing is 100% fire brigade response. ie dash out biff a burglar and do nothing else and an experienced cop will be one who has dry ink on their sign on papers.
Its all masked in political speak, police bashing and excuses but theres no way this review will increase the quality of policing in the UK, it physically cant.
Right to strike? no we dont have that. What we do have is a situation (certainly in my job) where we are security cleared to a high level, i have to be aware of and notify as applicable who i live with , associate with even where i live and loads more. I hold an "office" dont just have a job. Thats how they justify that.
What theyre doing now though is enforcing employee conditions on us that dont reconise the restrictions on us.
My argument is if i have straightforward employee conditions , i want employee rights including the right to strike. The silence on the line marked response is deafening.
Honest Jace , its ******* nightmare for everyone including your good selves.