oil warning light

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Active member
Feb 6, 2010
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Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie and need some help. I've just bought a terrano 2 3.0 di sve from a local dealer on an 02 plate. This morning after starting, the oil pressure warning light came on at about half brightness. Oil level ok.

I ran it a few miles turned it off and left it to cool down. I then run it home the oil pressure light was still on but its so dim you have to cup your hands over the dash to see it. I've read from over posts that oil pressuer switch's play up. Does the description above sound right. The dealer says he will look at it on monday but after talking to him this morning he did not make me feel confident that he resolve the fault.

Thanks, Paul.
It was very stressfull, no one needs a blown up engine. I hope its the switch. no other warning lights on.
Yes the 3.0ltr has two oil pressure switches.
The low (no test Feature)
High (warning light on dash)

It is the high that sticks.
If the oil light comes on and the MAF light panic.
The High only works after i think it is 2000 or 2500 rpm.

Mine is on quite often.
Start it. run for few mins. Turn off and restart and usually goes away.

Some people have put oil pressure guages on. others have had a few replacements.

Hope this helps
Thanks I feel a bit happier now although it seems poor that such an important switch is a known problem. I could live with most other fault lights but oil pressure has a high priority on my scarred to death of expensive repairs list.
Took the car bacl to dealer today, he tried to change the low pressure oil switch telling me that nissan had said there is only 1 switch. I rang nissan and ended up speaking to the same parts person, it turns out the high pressure switch is called an upper cylinder pressure switch with no reference to oil. thats why the dealer was told only one oil pressure switch. I'm reluctant to let the dealer change the switch as the grease monkey doesn't even have a manual and is asking me where it is, I'n tempted to just leave it be and hope that it is the switch and not an oil pressure problem