Off road caravaning

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Feb 9, 2008
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Had a call yesterday morning from a friend that had broken down while moving a caravan in his field he keeps his feed in for the horses.
He had managed to burn his clutch out and was stuck in a bog.
Had great fun winching his terrano out of the way up to solid ground and tugging the caravan across the wet,muddy fields to the lane.
Had a couple of arse clenching moments moving it as the field slopes down to a stream so had to drive across the incline and i was being dragged sideways at times towards the boggy flooded areas.

I then went back and towed the terrano up to the lane where we started it in gear and my mate limped it home.
I'm expecting another phone call today as he was borrowing his brothers shogun and trailer to fetch the rest of his gear from the same field:lol
Was great fun:thumb2
Not long had a message asking if i could go and pull the horsebox off of his yard as the shogun wont do it on road tyres:lol:lol
He said he is leaving the shogun and trailer on the lane and carrying all the gear to it:lol
Not long had a message asking if i could go and pull the horsebox off of his yard as the shogun wont do it on road tyres:lol:lol

I would have messaged back "Use the horse to pull the horsebox"! :D
I would have messaged back "Use the horse to pull the horsebox"! :D

Horse box was at his house a few miles away from the field.
Ended up getting it off for him then towed it to the top of the lane at the field.
Found myself in the mud again this morning helping out.
They had chanced getting a small trailer with all the gear on out of the bottom field but bottled it half way.
Was pretty uneventful for me.
I drove to it,hitched it on and drove it back.
Also had to drive the shogun down the field and through the bog as he wouldn't:lol
Its got diff locks but crap tyres so relied on speed and momentum to get me through.
Terrano is in serious need of pressure washing now. IMG-20181230-WA0004.jpg
Ah sideways slipping - butt in clenching mode.

I do not do off roading but three years ago I got a bit lost near Aberfan when they were building a sort of bypass with no proper diversion signs.

I was in a small procession of vehicles that had turned down what ended up a gated farm track. Reversing back was difficult as it was dark, raining , on a narrow single track plus it was a long way back.

I decided to just turn into the grass as it was a wide field thus go back from whence I had come. Getting back up onto the tarmac was tricky due to what was a slight incline. After about 30 yards of sideways crabbing with needless comments from her indoors as to why I had tried such a foolish turn did I finally regain a grip on the hard stuff and hop onto firm ground.
Why does he not buy some decent tyres?

The shogun was not geared up for driving in muddy wet fields.
The guy driving it(mates brother in law)insisted it would be fine as he tows his caravan off wet grass campsites.
He just got out of his depth trying to show off.