Well what can I say, the fault returned, ticking and power loss, after about 50miles so took off all the injectors for testing. Most diesel specialists will test these old style mechanical injectors for free, I took mine to Droitwich diesel and Tim the owner duly tested them and the verdict was "they are ok but not brilliant..."
So spent some time researching on the interweb and found a website called mercedessource which specializes in old Mercedes and their maintenance.
The injectors used on the models in the late 80's early90's are the same Bosch ones used on the maverano just a slightly different nozzle.
There are a few videos on the testing ,cleaning and maintenance of these injectors on there.
I followed the advice on there which involved scraping away heavy deposits with brass square section tubing and a brass bristled brush (brass is softer than steel so won't damage or score injector), boiling the disassembled injectors in water and dishwasher detergent except no 1 with the lift sensor which I left the top half of the injector out of the boiling process instead cleaned through with carb cleaner and a brass bristled brush and fine brass wire , 'lapping' all the mating faces with 2000 grit wet and dry with thin mineral oil. Cleaned all again with carb cleaner and put straw into base of injector nozzle to check spray pattern.
Blowing through all openings with a compressor and then reassembly.
New copper sealing washers and heat shield crush washers all torqued to the manuals spec.
I would have used new Bosch nozzles available for £16+vat each on line but couldn't stretch to that at this point so reused the old ones as they passed the visual inspection test described in the manual.
Have now done over 100 miles and it truly is like driving a new car, quieter, smoother and more power. Still early days and didn't have them retested before fitting but the procedure for testing and bringing them back to the manuals spec is straight forward using shims to recalibrate the opening pressure back to what it should be which is around 130 bar (which is etched into the side of the injector which you can see after cleaning).
So if you have time and a little knowledge I would heartily recommend having a go yourself as you have nothing to lose before forking out a fortune for new replacements.