No voltage at glow plugs

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Well-known member
Oct 19, 2010
It seems ive no power what so ever at the glow plugs(1995 Mav).I fallowed the link to testing and im getting no reading what so ever.I checked the fuse and thats fine and can here the relay click under the bonnet.Im at a loss with this and need to get it sorted asap.Any advise will be great on this as im at a loss
Try checking the relay to see if it's getting power and then switching the power. The relay is located down the side of the battery between the inner wing and the battery.

Also at the front of the head just a little to the right there are some connectors, one of those is the feed from the relay to the glow plugs so that's another point to check.

Rite had a quick look this morning.When i turn the ignition on and i get a feed there for about 5 secs then feed goes.The relay clicks twice(one's by the battery)and then clicks a 3rd time and then the feed goes.Not sure if its a relay issue or what so hoping someone can shed some light on the matter
Even tryed now to run a direct feed to the glow plugs and still wont start.May have to find someone local to have a look for me
Bit odd :confused:

So if you put a live to your rail... Do the plugs heat.?

It will start without glow plugs but will be a bitch to get started & should smoke & then start to rev up once its running...
sorry mate, bit to far for me....

take one out and see it fit warms um with just the jump leads on.

maybe you broke the link to them all. and only one ( first ) is warming up
Even tryed now to run a direct feed to the glow plugs and still wont start.May have to find someone local to have a look for me
Did you check the glowplugs are working remove the bus bar from them all then check with multimeter should be dead short between terminal and earth
Did you check the glowplugs are working remove the bus bar from them all then check with multimeter should be dead short between terminal and earth

Did that in previous thread mate :thumbs

Its got to be the relay or broken wire...
Did that in previous thread mate :thumbs

Its got to be the relay or broken wire...

Yeh i had a look and all seemed ok.Ill retake the plug out and check them again in the morning with no kids about and a meter that work properly.But should the power cut off like to the glow plugs with say about 5-10 seconds.Only had a little light test today to check and the feed to it shows live when i first turn the ignition on then goes dead.Also there are 2 relays next to the battery,so which one is for the glow plugs?
Dont need to take them out just check them with a volt metre :thumbs
Well then people its now fixed :thumb2:thumb2 .Turns out it was the glow plugs in the end.Got info from someone and said that when i could hear the glow plug relay click 3 times he said its more than likely the plugs as when it clicks the 3rd time that it being told that the plugs are at operating temp and dont need to stay on no more.Would like thank you all for all ur help and so glad i joined.Anyone who says £10 is to much for full membership needs there head looked at ( i know as ive mental probs myself....lmao)as ive saved that 10 times over......Respect to all who helped me out :bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow:bow

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