No heat coming from heater in side

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Feb 9, 2014
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HI all, just picked up my terrane 2 1997 tdi 2.7. have noticed that when i move the heater heat slider to hot the air is still code. the 4 fan speeds work well but just no heat coming from vents even after a 30 minute drive. also noticed i can not really change the direction of the air flow from say feet to window etc. it seems stuck on window and if you try to move the leaver it sort of springs back. any ideas on either of these? would love a little heat in there at the mo!


Howdy, hope you are enjoying the terrano :thumb2

I once had a vent that did this, the locators are either dislocated or broken, someone will update with some good info im sure.

With regards to the heat i wouldn't want to guess if its mechanical or again just the switch dislocated or broken. I'm sure someone will have some good idea again.

Got any pics then? :naughty
if i remember , there's a post on here some where about the cable coming off the arm,
ill see if i can find it
Been a long time since I had my heat up the back of the dash but i'm sure the heater controls are operated by cables which can come loose or the cables kink, You might have to go in via the glove box or passenger foot well (can't remember now) but you should be able to manually turn the control levers on the heater to change air direction & heat from hot to cold if this works then you'll prob just need the control cables which you will be able to get off a few members as they are breaking Terrano's up for parts
Hi mate and welcome, heaters are complicated beasts, levers and cables all over the place, first to get at it a lot of the dash has to be removed before you can even see the operating stuff in order to see what is going on, the fact the lever springs back tells me something is jammed rather than a clip falling off, good luck, I do have various heater bits kicking around that I can take pics of once you have an idea where the fault lies, Rick
still looking for the thread,
dash to bits is a lot of screws out and patience, dont snap the plastics,:doh

pollen filter behind glove box, (just done 2 today) that leads into the heater system
take glove box off first then have a look from there .
hope this helps :thumb2
yh as above, take the centre console out then dash bits, when you get to the vents, unscrew them and carefully pull forward, you will see the levers and pulleys - if you are lucky you will see the dislocated ones and you will be able to pop them back in...!:thumbs
Before you go much further, is there any resistance to the movement of the levers, as if they are very easy to move, something has come loose.
The lever springing back implies a bit of plastic trying to bend... so dislocation could be the issue.
If there is some resistance, then it could be an air lock in the heater matrix, which can be a pig to clear, but dooable.:thumb2

If you have just picked it up, then what is the history? can the previous owner advise?
Hi on having a quick look under the bonnet we have seen the hoses to and from the heater matrix have been disconnected and linked together so the lack of heat is no water going through the matrix. If the matrix is at fault is is a big job and a high cost does any one know?

Hi on having a quick look under the bonnet we have seen the hoses to and from the heater matrix have been disconnected and linked together so the lack of heat is no water going through the matrix. If the matrix is at fault is is a big job and a high cost does any one know?


Sounds as if the matrix might be leaking then, yes it's a big job as the dash has to come out:doh cost wise it'll depend on if you do the job or have a garage do it which i'd think they would charge 5-6 hours labour
Take a look at this, it's in the downloads section.

Have you tried connecting the matrix hoses back up? and if so what happens?
I think, rather than all the hassle of connecting them back to the engine, I would just run the hosepipe through it, and see the results.... Most likely the matrix has gone though, as why else would you bypass it......

unless the controls are stuck on hot, of course, and they were too lazy to fix them, as you would not be able to drive that far with the heater full on...
I think, rather than all the hassle of connecting them back to the engine, I would just run the hosepipe through it, and see the results.... Most likely the matrix has gone though, as why else would you bypass it......

unless the controls are stuck on hot, of course, and they were too lazy to fix them, as you would not be able to drive that far with the heater full on...

Perhaps the previous owner had a water leak into the passenger footwell and mistakingly thought it was matrix?

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