Living in the wilds of west Devon 4x4 vital to life here, Had a Patrol GR '98 for about 7 yrs with v little trouble until last year. Planning a big trip this summer pulling the holiday shed around the Alps. Got the Patrol on a SORN and axle stands but more of that on tech pages. Know v little and want to learn everything. Keeping the Patrol indefinitely as it is a thing of rare beauty and it would feel like getting rid of Grannies antique wedgewood pot. SO this site seems like a very informed and sensible place. Also got another 4x4 "of another make" which spends a much of time its life off road working for its living not having fun.
Living in the wilds of west Devon 4x4 vital to life here, Had a Patrol GR '98 for about 7 yrs with v little trouble until last year. Planning a big trip this summer pulling the holiday shed around the Alps. Got the Patrol on a SORN and axle stands but more of that on tech pages. Know v little and want to learn everything. Keeping the Patrol indefinitely as it is a thing of rare beauty and it would feel like getting rid of Grannies antique wedgewood pot. SO this site seems like a very informed and sensible place. Also got another 4x4 "of another make" which spends a much of time its life off road working for its living not having fun.