I have a New iPad, which is a very good piece of kit, and I love it for its beutiful design and ease of use, but it does have some existing drawbacks, and some more that are on the horizon, as Apples ongoing war with ever other manafacturer heats up.
The main problem I have with it is the dependancy on itunes for everthing. It really is a closed shop, and Apple is the shop steward from hell when it comes to keeping it that way...
I am also concerned that their mission to protect every aspect of their design (bearing in mind that the tablet in its current form was their idea) is one of almost biblical dimensions, and will end up with them alienating software designers, and consumers.
They now appear to be starting a showdown with Google, who will be withdrawing their YouTube app, and Street Maps from Apple devices, which will, in my opinion, diminish the device considerably.
When funds allow, I may try a Samsung Galaxy Tab, which appears to be the only real world competitor at the momemt. That is only if Apple do not ban the sale of them globally though.