new problem to add to the list!!!!

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Well-known member
May 26, 2013
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hi all been busy of late so not been on much but now I back to boar you all with problems :(

2 weeks ago my maverick started slipping the clutch in 4th but only when engines hot, 2 years ago it had a recon gearbox and new clutch

any thoughts as to why it only does it in 4th and little in 5th but no others????

It does it in 4th and 5th because they are the highest gears. Eventually, it'll slip in 3rd, 2nd then 1st then gone, if youre lucky. If its doing it when hot, then maybe you have clutch issues, maybe ill-fitting or its just worn prematurely. You can do the clutch test using 4th gear-if it stalls more or less immediately then the clutch is OK and perhaps you have issues with the pedal.

Do the clutch test first somewhere safe and report back!
It does it in 4th and 5th because they are the highest gears. Eventually, it'll slip in 3rd, 2nd then 1st then gone, if youre lucky. If its doing it when hot, then maybe you have clutch issues, maybe ill-fitting or its just worn prematurely. You can do the clutch test using 4th gear-if it stalls more or less immediately then the clutch is OK and perhaps you have issues with the pedal.

Do the clutch test first somewhere safe and report back!

thanks mate shall try this tomorrow and let you know how get on

many thanks
yup, it could easily be the clutch breather pipe that needs doing, or the clutch bleading but best direction is to do the clutch test first.:thumbs
Only two year old clutch, should have another 100k miles plus in it yet, unless driver rests foot on pedal, or there is another problem, like collapsed hose, get under the motor and see if you can push the lever into the slave cylinder, you should be able to do it with your fingers/hand if not chances are the hose needs replacing which will be like resting your foot on the pedal only more so, Rick