new no tax disk crapp

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Off road maniac
Club Member
Supporting Member
Dec 25, 2009
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Well it seems we are now all reliant on the DVLA database being up to date and correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Well after transferring my insurance as of midnight tonight I am told that it can take up to 14 days before it is registered on the DVLA database, same with tax, so I park down town in a few days and some whatsit enters my reg only to discover that as yet it is not taxed or insured so clamps my motor, ready for confiscation, I am not there to argue, so what the F is going on, Rick
Rick I fear for us all in the short term :eek: I've seen a lot of posts on faceache about cars not on the system for various reasons :doh However if I get ANY grief I'll use my car/truck as is till the bloody DVLA pull their collective finger right out. What's more I'm happy to sue the arse off them in court should I be penalised for their short comings :(
That said I'd take a screen shot of any online issues , just incase :thumbs
Yes always take pictures on your samsung phone, or the classic "record my call" is always a good one. All my important calls are saved and backed up on pc.
So... with the new tax disc rules... does that mean I can remove my tax disc even though it still has 9 months to run?

So to me, it doesn't look as though the government has thought this through...:doh
I can get a number plate with any number off the internet without any proof of ownership, and then put it on my car. These are called "Display or Show plates"...
So I choose the same model, one that looks as though it has been looked after, then on any PNC check it doesn't flag up any problems, I can now drive through speed cameras, and overstay car parks, knowing that they cannot be traced back to me.

In the old days, the traffic wardens or car park attendants could compare the reg to the licence disc, or flag up any Guinness labels, to the police, now there is no cross check.
There could be several vehicles driving around with the same reg...

The only check is the Vin Number, or chassis number, and let's face it, when were you stopped to have this checked?

Now here's a thought...
I could buy two identical cars, insure one for two drivers, same reg... and provided that both cars weren't on the same section of road or parked next to each other...

Now where can I buy a 19 year old Maverick in excellent condition like mine and clone it?
Hmmm, I knew there was a flaw in my theory...:doh
From what the DVLA where saying before it all came into force was once you paid your road tax it would be on their system straight away, now I know it can take a few weeks for them to send you out your new log book but surely once you have paid the tax they know who's motor it is as the money comes straight out of your bank account (costs more via credit card) only thing I can think of is ring them in the morning because if you have to wait 14 days it's fraud on their part as they would be charging you 14 days tax for a vehicle they won't let you use on the road.
I'm not sure if I can legally take my tax disc off tomorrow or I have to wait until it runs out:confused: knew the system was coming into force & when but some details are very thin on the ground about it all:doh
Well it seems we are now all reliant on the DVLA database being up to date and correct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Well after transferring my insurance as of midnight tonight I am told that it can take up to 14 days before it is registered on the DVLA database, same with tax, so I park down town in a few days and some whatsit enters my reg only to discover that as yet it is not taxed or insured so clamps my motor, ready for confiscation, I am not there to argue, so what the F is going on, Rick

don't worry rick that won't happon your insurance will have register all that :thumbs
Trouble is they use an insurance data base to validate your purchase. So if I insure online tonight it wont show on DVLA data base till the MIB do their bit, therefore you can't get tax. Before you could print out your covernote and get the disc at a P O S T O F F I C E , what ever they were :eek:
I thought he said a few days after it has now been clamped.

Actually reading it again it could be either :nenau

Read it all again Alex:lol Rick has just put an MOT on & set up the insurance to start at midnight (1/10/14) & you can't tax a motor without test or insurance:augie Quote " so (IF think this was missing) I park down town in a few days and some whatsit enters my reg only to discover that as yet it is not taxed or insured so clamps my motor" it's a hypothetical question:augie
Taxed mine online today. Was on my reminder about not being issued a tax disc after 1 st October.
Got the confirmation email saved and printed off as proof. Gonna feel lost for a while with nothing in the corner of the window.
I have noticed a lot more ANPR cameras around, Marlow bypass has plenty now

They have been putting loads up around here over the last few months & they've went OTT on the A1 next to the Metrocentre not just ANPR but average speed cameras as well as they have dropped that section of the A1 to a 40 limit:doh

Elty you could leave your old tax disc on to confuse people