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New member
Aug 3, 2013
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Hi all nice forum just saying hello after some help currently own a landrover discovery tdi sick to death of the rust and oil leaks so decided to get another Nissan used to have a d21 pick up as my first car .I'm after a y61 patrol 2.8td6 my budget is £4000 is that realistic and is there anything I should look out for .

Thanks for any help.

i had y61 2.8 and they rot at the rear of the sills in to the arch, open back passinger doors to look for rot on wheel arch. its hard to explain were im talking of but if there is rot there you will see it imediatly

under plastic trip on wheel arch to the rear (both sides) these never get removed and mud + salt collect there so put your fingers under and feel for rot VERY SLOWLY.. if its old expect it to be sharp.

also think they for on the back double door seal at the top, pull it back and have a look if you can

get under and look at boot floor where possible

great bus by the way and a good choice

also 4k is very realistic.. i sold mine 18month ago for 1800 quid there will be other nob heads giving them
Welcome bud, the Y61's are good trucks :thumb2 I've got a 3.0 version.

I reckon £4k should get you a decent 2.8.
Thanks for the welcome guys must admit the td-6's are quite hard to come by wanted one because I was told the 3.0 di I was very unreliable how much truth is in this
Thanks for the welcome guys must admit the td-6's are quite hard to come by wanted one because I was told the 3.0 di I was very unreliable how much truth is in this

Depends on the age of the Troll as the early 3.0's definitely had a bad rep which certainly seems to have been well deserved (nicknamed grenade engines due to the propensity for catastrophic damage). As far as I can tell the problems were at least partly related to overboosting and caused a couple of the cylinders to cook (problems seem to have appeared at around the 60,000 mile mark) but the general consensus is that Nissan had sorted the issues out by the time they started putting the 3.0 into Terranos. That was 2003 (late I think) so as long as you go for one produced after then you would be fine although you will find that the bad rep of the early ones has, not surprisingly, tarred the rep of the later ones hence the general opinion that the 3.0 Trolls are all unreliable.

When I was looking into buying mine I did quite a lot of research into it and if you look at the Aussie forums the post 2003 3.0 Trolls are thought a safe bet. There are things you can do (eg. install exhaust gas temperature gauges) to pre-warn yourself but generally they are only considered essential if you are going to start modding the engine like installing a big bore exhaust, that sort of thing - as long as you aint messing with the engine it'll be fine. Also to be fair the Aussie's have access to the 4.2 diesel engine which is so reliable that anything is gonna come up short when compared with it! (things I would do for a Y61 with a 4.2 diesel :sly).

My Troll is a '54 Plate and I've had it almost 6 months now with no issues (feverishly touching wood!) and I absolutely love her - she does everything I ask of her :thumb2

If you were going for a post 2003 Troll you would want to get one produced before 2007 in my opinion as after then the 3.0's changed from DI to common rail.
Thanks for the help everyone bought my truck its a 1999 td-6 with 72000 on the clock looks straight enough got a few issues but with a few quid spent hopefully be a sound investment