new boy....

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Active member
Oct 27, 2012
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hi just joined the site as iv just bought a ford maverick its a older one 1994 swb...
iv had a habbit of buyin a 4x4 for the winter for the last couple of years i had a LWB mav for last winter and a SURF the year before... think i might keep this one for a while tho so id like to mod it a bit and fit some bigger wheels and do some green laning or something....thanks shaun.:thumb2
Howdy and welcome. I do a lot of laning in mine with no mods whatsoever. I'd tackle the lanes first and then see what you need. They're very capable!
thanks guys....i'll get a some pics of it up soon mine looks a bit nose down?? the rear is quite high with good clearance to the arch's but the front looks like it has it just a case of jack it up wind the torsion bars up to raise the front a bit???....mine has the slim alloys so i want to get some wider wheels and better tyres..not goin to go mad with it......YET!!!!.....:thumb2
Welcome to the best owners club on the net. essex we use to go to a pay n play called gravel mania over there many many years ago.
im from westcliff to!!!!...but i live in leigh now so not far from ya!!!!....
Winding up the front suspension is dead easy. Did it myself last week. Have a Search in the tech section now you've paid up.
got the info i need now thanks fella will have a go at it when i get the chance....
Welcome, and congrats on buying the best 4x4 by far... i have a Mav and its fantastic. Its called Beast, i also have a Terrrano called MistyBlue but she is having her MOT right now and then im going to start modding her too.

I lifted the Mav with a 2" body lift, its not hard but you do need to know what to do. Plenty of good advice in here. Give me a shout if you want any advice on the body lift.
