a bloody wire off, read on
well, due to amount of wiring and response light switch gear previous owner had fitted, hadn't completly removed the centre console. bought passenger switch gear for a tenner from scrappy, took passenger rear and drivers side console as well :augie
changed drivers side unit, to realise the one i removed had, ONE WIRE come off. don't know how but one wire was off, replaced and worked.
however, the new unit i bought has got two working switch lights so thats a winner. mine didn't work at all.
the one i borrowed, :augie, dosn't go up :nenau and light don't work. mine goes up and light works, but works in reverse to all other switches. copied wiring from :augie unit and now my old drivers side passenger window switch now works correctly, and with the light working. both switches don't have a working light in the window lock button.
ah well, you can't have it all. 3 out of four lights ain't bad, not that i ever look for them, just feel about :lol:lol
so all windows now work again and better than before on switches. will have a go at fixing broken switch for practice and keep both units for spare.
thanks all