My new Maverick won't start Help

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extreme-4x4 said:
willow said:
Thanks from me extreme
Will try this and report back :smile: :wink:
Were that photo :?:

of what ? girl off road ? or ?

i think she really want a pic of you to carry around with her mate..

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
extreme-4x4 said:
ignore the glow plug light, instead count to 10 or 15 from ignition light then fire it up . when its cold

much better

The glow plugs stay energised for 10 minutes. When the lights on they are at high setting (glowing) then they go to intermediate when the light goes out, then low after 5 mins, then off.

Can you hear the relay doing anything????

Hi all

It still won't go even with new battery. The battery voltage is 12.16v cca of battery is 740A. Could the new battery be a bit dead? it was from halford fully charged and ready to go they said. When I turn key glow plug light comes on and goes out after few seconds. but there is a whirring noise coming from fusebox that lasts about a minute after glow plug light goes out. Is that noise ok what is it. also behind the fuse box floating about is a relay with a green light attached any ideas what that could be.


Hi Carl. At 12.16v the battery is not fully charged in fact it's nearly flat.
12.65 - 12.85v Fully charged
12.10v 25% charged
11.9v 0% flat

When fully charged the voltage when on load ie, when trying starter should be 9.5 - 10v. Syd
The noise the relay is making is normal. Charge the battery

Have you got a multimeter to check if current is getting to the glowplug rail? If you have see what voltage is getting to the plugs, it is on the left hand side of cylinder head (drivers side) check it with light on
Have you checked the spill pipes at the injectors (flexipipe)?.
If you got air in injectors it will never start, you can bleed them easy. Get someone to crank engine and slaken pipe at injector and see if its air or diesel!!!!!!!!!

I would also take the glow plugs out and see if they are glowing. Jump leads come in handy for checking. If they are working you'll know.

hi all

the car has started battery is now charged after giving it a good run. I hope that it starts tomorrow morning fingers crossed. Next question when does it need a cam belt change ( does it have a cam belt i was told it did have a cam chain) also temp gauge never moves is that normal (1hr drive) and heater take ages to get warm.

I have no idea i have not checked. The car had wrong battery on it wrong tyres on it. electric mirrors disconnected and it likes like people have been fidling so nothing will suprise me. where is it so i can check tomorrow.
Is that right ? Does my 2.7 TD (1995 Maverick) have a gear set instead of a cam belt or cam chain ?

Have a look at the thermostat housing and see if the connectors are ok there should be 3.

1. The glow plugs
2. Temperature gauge
3. EGR

If any are disconnected this could explain some of your cold starting problems, just a long shot.

If not that check the fuses.

I will have a look at heating at weekend. Does any one know if you can get bigger arches for my maverick. I have a small amount of rust on one of the front arches someone said it i treated rust and put bigger arches to solve problem.

Does anyone have any other ideas on what to do.

