He made a lot of money,but it was very expensive to live so far away from Seattle which was the nearest city and transport costs were extremely high, so most goods where five times more expensive than the city,as i said before a pair of boots cost Bob $100 by the time it reached Wiseman,first it came to Bettles by Sternwheeler the by Scow(flat bottomed barge) then by pack horse or mule train and finally by dog team and sled,and that was how everything came to Wiseman in the early days.But what money he had when he died mysteriously disappeared and so did the gold he had stashed, there were those visitors Bob thought were good friends went to clear his cabin while Bob was in hospital in Fairbanks and took everything of value,and Bob went back, Bob had sold his cabins to another so called friend so 3 cabins for $10 dollars which were later sold to Silverado mining company for over a $1000 so they could claim ownership, and the cabin in Wiseman which could not be sold we gave to the community on the understanding that it would never be sold.