my car died

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New member
Nov 11, 2017
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Hi there
Driving my 54 Xtrail the abs light came on, then the air bag light, then all the dials were flippling up and down, bit like one of the old sci fi films, then all lights/power went off. The car carried on for a while (limp home mode??) and then finally died.
The car had a squeak for a week or so beforehand, which a friend suggested could be the alternator.
The RAC didn't test anything but just rescued her.
Any thoughts pls?
Thanks in advance
I’m sorry not much help really but that does sound pretty catastrophic doesn’t it.

Assuming RAC have towed it home for you. Have you tried disconnecting the battery for a few hours in effect like a reset.
Could be poor battery connection ?

Had quite similar things on Mercs - is usually a loose battery terminal or alternator connection issue.

As others have said I would disconnect the battery, charge up and refit see what happens.
car died

Have you checked the alternator belt? I had a similar experience in that all the lights came on one after the other as the alternator charge fell off as the belt shredded itself