My baby girl

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There is nothing I can say that will make you feel better, but I do have things to say on this issue but you will probably not want to hear them, I am sorry that is not how I wanted to put it but my short term memory is so bad I think of something to say and while typing forget, my wife and I fostered special needs for 24 years so am very aware of your problems and I have to say at this stage your little girl who is lovely, has only a small percentage of the problems that the children we fostered had, but enough said on here, this is not the place, if you would like to pick this up privately then please pm me, if you would like reasurance speak to BRIGGIE, EXTREME 4x4 CLANWOLF KBEKL HARLOW MAVERICK who I am sure will vouch for my sanity, all the very best and good will, but I fear it will not be enough, Rick

he is very sane and is a great person to speak to :thumbs
Well thats an extremely serious condition as you will know, but the most important thing is that its been properly diagnosed, which is unusual, so you're ahead of the game. The next step is to ensure a transplant as soon as possible, as sadly this seems to be the only solution with a decent prognosis, so the very best of luck, you and she deserve it.

Don't give up and don't ever take no for an answer.

And while its not worth a light given what you are going through as a family, you know you have the support and prayers of everyone on this forum. Please keep us posted won't you.


PS....if there is ANYTHING we can do to help, especially if money or publicity becomes an issue, for crying out loud you've nothing to lose by asking.....we will all do whatever little thing we can. :thumb2
Thankyou all again for your kind comments, her name is Robynn, today we were able to take her off hospital grounds for a bit to spend some time with us for her brothers birthday she even had a go on his guitar lol

Well heres to you, your family and Robynn.....its people like you that put life in perspective.

Whoever your God is, I hope he blesses her. :thumb2
Well just got back from the hospital, i would stay there all night but with 4 other kids to look after its just not practical so the mrs stays there, when I got to her room i was greeted with this lovely smile.

puts a smile on my face as well as in my heart mate :thumb2..... you have a beautifull little girl there mate :thumb2
just you watch shell grow up like any other teenager

just keep the pic to go in the local paper when shes 18
mate she is so beautiful she is gonna break some hearts when she is older :thumbs
Well the hospital in Derby has today said there is no more they can do for her, the meds they have been giving her aren't working, so tomorrow we are back off to Birmingham Childrens Hospital where the specialists are (why they haven't got specialists in our supposed new super hospital is beyond me). By the looks of it she is going to need a liver transplant, not only have we got the stress of that but also we have got to take our other kids out of school while we are there and we will be away from our family over christmas, oh well less gifts to buy lol, I just hope they hurry up and fix my baby girl so she can come home for good.
Our heart goes out to you mate, Maggs and I do know how you feel, we have been there, for now make the very best of every minute you have with your dear little girl, very best regards Rick & Maggs and I am sure goes for the rest of the forum as well.
baby girl

hi mate, 20 years ago that was my little girl born 8 weeks early scbu are wonderful, and now my baby has had her own baby , good luck and enjoy what you have , have a good christmas and look forward to watching her grow .all the best.
Well the good news is that a transplant seems to be by far the best thing for this ditto to what Rick says, you take care of your family and we will be thinking of you and little Robynn....all the very best.

And if you need ANYTHING please just put out a shout, don't be shy ok?!

Never go gloomy, man with a mind,
Hope is a better companion than fear;
Providence, ever benignant and kind,
Gives with a smile what you take with a tear;
All will be right,
Look to the light.
Morning was ever the daughter of night;
All that was black will be all that is bright,
Cheerily, cheerily, then cheer up.

Many a foe is a friend in disguise,
Many a trouble a blessing most true,
Helping the heart to be happy and wise,
With love ever precious and joys ever new.
Stand in the van,
Strike like a man!
This is the bravest and cleverest plan;
Trusting in God while you do what you can.
Cheerily, cheerily, then cheer up.
Hallo, your photos have brought tears to my eyes, I have been to that sad place, your daughters welcoming smile was wonderful, please spend as much time as you can with her,
time is precious. kind thoughts, bri
thankyou all for your kind comments,i must admit tonight has been very hard, once the kids were in bed and i was sat here alone i had a good cry (it's ok for men to cry i read it somewhere:thumb2) after i'd had my bawl i started to think about the positives and realised that although its going to be tough it is more than going to be worth it as my little princess is a fighter and will come through this with even more determination in life and will provide me with welcoming, loving smiles for years to come. Once again thankyou all for the kind words and support, i've decided your my extended family lol :D:thumb2:thumbs
thankyou all for your kind comments,i must admit tonight has been very hard, once the kids were in bed and i was sat here alone i had a good cry (it's ok for men to cry i read it somewhere:thumb2) after i'd had my bawl i started to think about the positives and realised that although its going to be tough it is more than going to be worth it as my little princess is a fighter and will come through this with even more determination in life and will provide me with welcoming, loving smiles for years to come. Once again thankyou all for the kind words and support, i've decided your my extended family lol :D:thumb2:thumbs

You may be right about it giving her even more determination in life. My second youngest had a very close call when born but can be a right tuff nut now. Will take on the much bigger boys at home if they are at him and usually come off on the better end of it. Little babies are survivors. Bet she will be the special child, daddy's little princess, especially because of all this.

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