Thanks guys for the replies, I was doing it because the other guys who were working could not be bothered to go out, so if I didnt do it voluntarily, the day would have been cancelled and there would have been a lot of dissapointed kids and parents. To make life easy for the HR dept they have said it was down to being my fault even though I was in full uniform and using their fire engine. Not long afterwards the fire engine was condemed and sold. Well the union seem to think I have a strong case but it sort has put a dampner on school visits as most of the guys are refusing to do them unless I am re instated and something in writing comes down from the office if we do hurt ourselves out on a day like that we will be covered and it will not be used against us in the future. In the end I spent Saturday towing 2 cars of my local beach and then 1 more on Sunday. Think I will put a sign up somewhere to say pull out for a fiver lol.