more problems.... help!!!."loss of all power"

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2006
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about 2 weeks ago i had driven about 40 miles when i lost all power in my terrano. basically even in first gear the car would hardly move!
i turned the engine off then restarted it - problem solved!!
its been running fine since!!
had exactly the same problem today after around a 20 mile drive, no power, unable to move!!
turned the engine off, started again, problem solved for 100 yards then same loss of power, turned off and on again, had to do it a few times on the way home.
whats causing this??
Any dash lights etc illuminated? Sounds like it could be a fuel starvation problem, could try a new fuel filter for starters, assuming no difference between X & Y reg vehicles then AFAIK our wagons don't have the mini filter at the fuel pump.

One member had problems with what would seem to be a problem with a vacuum being generated in the fuel system - not sure what his solution was but try a search to see if he posted anything.
no, theres no dash light illuminated.

theres no mini filter on the fuel pump.

should i try replacing the fuel filter?
After the filter rag take a look at the rubber hoses and see if they have perished, a mate had this problem ended up been the rubber on the inside of the hose comming detached and blocking the fuel line, working like a non return valve in reverse, if you get my drift, could try cracking the injector nuts and see what comes out could give you an idea?
if it was the fuel filter or the pipes would the problem not be there constantly?
the jeep runs fine 99% of the time and does 30-40 miles every day with no probs.
The pipe problem was intermitent? on my mates car a lump of lining had torn off but only blocked the fuel line some of the time, if it blocked in a certain position it would impede performance, or stop the car. other times no problems at all, it took his dad who's a mechanic weeks to find it?
ive replaced the fuel filter and checked all the pipes, thought everything was fixed but same problem happened today. took the terrano to my local garage who ive used for years, they ve looked at it but cant source the problem. phoned round all the local auto electric places but none of them hold the terrano software... ive had to book it into nissan... probably gonna cost me an arm and a leg!!!
Just a long shot, have you checked the air breather on the fuel tank, even take it for a run with the fuel cap off to see if that makes any difference as it does sounds like a fuel problem.

The other one could be electrical with a ballast resistor some where getting hot and cutting out then cooling down.
thanks, i'll give that a try before tuesday coz i really grudge paying nissan rates.
try disconnecting the main vehicle battery for upto 24hrs to see if it will clear the ECU mapping, this has helped with a previous member on a different fault etc.
cheers shark1e, if i cant find the fault myself and nissan want a fortune for a repair im afraid its gonna be goodbye terrano for me.
cant justify the money its soaking up at the moment.
rag1873 said:
no, theres no dash light illuminated.

theres no mini filter on the fuel pump.

should i try replacing the fuel filter?

toolbox reported there actually being a mini filter in the banjo bolt itself, and had to replace the bolt if i'm correct
shark1e said:
rag1873 said:
no, theres no dash light illuminated.

theres no mini filter on the fuel pump.

should i try replacing the fuel filter?

toolbox reported there actually being a mini filter in the banjo bolt itself, and had to replace the bolt if i'm correct

Thats what I found on my T2 Shark1e, the mini filter is crimped into the banjo bolt so I carefully drilled mine out & spent quiet a bit of time to make sure there was no swarf left in the banjo bolt before refitting it :smile: I did notice a difference & the slight flat spot I had went :smile:
just got the jeep back from nissan.... needed a sensor reset and a slow flush put through the engine to clean everything out. Only skinned me £90 so i'll be quite happy if thats it fixed!!!
Hi just been reading your post, hope your problem is fixed but if it happens again i had simlilar problems which after 5 garages and 9 months got fixed! have a look at the seal of your air flow filter the glue in mine had come loose and was intermitently blocking the air flow causing loss of power untill i turned of ignition and back on again. this would happen randomly sometimes 4 or 5 times in one day sometimes not for a whole week. 8) my truck has been running great for 5 months since!!
terrance, that sounds a very similiar problem, hopefully mine is fixed now though!!
just the window that doesnt work to fix now and the drivers seat to stop squeaking before i throw it out the window!!!
terrance said:
Hi just been reading your post, hope your problem is fixed but if it happens again i had simlilar problems which after 5 garages and 9 months got fixed! have a look at the seal of your air flow filter the glue in mine had come loose and was intermitently blocking the air flow causing loss of power untill i turned of ignition and back on again. this would happen randomly sometimes 4 or 5 times in one day sometimes not for a whole week. 8) my truck has been running great for 5 months since!!

What do you mean by your air flow filter(air filter) and what glue are you on about mybe me reading this wrong sorry if so :wink:
sry not good on car termonology. :? it was the glue on the seal to the air filter that had worn thus causing a partial blokage . probably came apart when it was put back at its last service. this is what the guy at the garage that fixed it told me, not complaining it works again !!