Mk 1 Maverick 2.7TD Engine Failure

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Active member
Feb 24, 2007
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I was pulling onto the M25 and just got to around 65mph when the engine started juddering, lost power and then died completely 8O

The RAC guy checked everything over and couldn't tell me what the problem was. He thought the problem had cured itself but it did exactly the same thing at high revs. Then he fiddled with the turbo linkage and it seemed to improve. I drove it home OK but still felt it was a bit low on power (might just have been psychological though......)

I had just topped up from half a tank to full. The Mav was serviced 3 weeks ago and a blocked linkage was cleared in the fuel system. Following the mechanic's advice, the fuel filter was replaced last week 500 odd miles after the service in case of any residual crap in the fuel lines (there was a brown toffee-like substance in the old fuel filter before it was serviced). It was also steam cleaned a week ago.

I'm away at the moment but I'll be taking her to a diesel specialist next week. Any ideas as to where the problem might lie? My gut feel is that the gunge in the fuel has returned (but I know nothing whatsoever about mechanics :( ).

Any advice would be much appreciated.


hi dave sorry to hear of the problem, it may help other members to assist you if you put in on the sign up page what truck you have. like if you read the bottom of mine it will tell you what truck I am driving.

Thanks for the tip. I thought I had but I've just redone the signature. Hope this works.


Does sound to me that you or the previous owner have possibly introduced some bio diesel. Having read previous threads, the Bio diesel helps to dissolve all the crud that has built up in the tank and fuel lines, fortunately the filter may have stopped the crud from source, BUT after the filter the crud will also be loosened.
Could be an opportunity to clean the mini filter, see other threads.
I have read that if you wish to use bio, you should start with 5% for quite a while to gradually disolve the crud rather than the sudden surge.
On my signature below.. I quote as "Never knowingly used Bio diesel" I say this as I am convinced that some suppliers are introducing 5% as standard without advertising the effect. I know that France are already doing this.
It is my theory, but if you can look back as to what fuel you put in...
hope this helps,
best regards, Rustic
Thanks Rustic,

I'll check the mini fuel filter when I get home. Just out of interest, do you know which fuel suppliers are mixing bio in without telling people?

Davehuck said:
Thanks Rustic,

I'll check the mini fuel filter when I get home. Just out of interest, do you know which fuel suppliers are mixing bio in without telling people?

I've read it on various web sites, I can't think of any particular supplier at the moment, you probably need to enquire at the forecourt. :roll:
The problem is that there are centres around the country that distribute the fuel to all agencies, in my area the fuel is distributed from Kingsbury just north of Birmingham's NEC tankers go to BP Texaco, Tesco etc with the same fuel. The fuel at Kingsbury is from an underground pipe all the way from Haverfordwest, South Wales, so probably doesn't contain Bio Diesel. ( Who knows ! 8O ) However on South to East coast fuel comes from Europe so there could be bio mixed in ?? The French already have 5%. :?
Having read a few threads after my initial problem with my fuel filter, other members were reporting a brown sludge in the filter, I noticed that mine was really clear, no water, no sludge. There could also be an issue with bacterial growth in your diesel tank, this produces a jelly like material which can cause similar problems, you can get an additive to kill this off, but you may need to change the fuel filter more often..
There does seem to be more reported issues with possible fuel related problems on this site. There may be a link with Bio ? :eek:
I wonder if these problems are geographical, or relate to how old the vehicle is.. Not enough is known yet, but I am trying to avoid bio.
hope this helps..
best regards, Rustic
Well I now know it CAN'T be the mini fuel filter as a previous owner seems to have removed it....... 8O

The mechanic has driven the car and agrees that she's having problems at high revs in 4th and 5th. I think she's generally underpowered but 4th and 5th is where the real problems are. She hasn't cut out since the other weekend but I haven't been on the motorway and generally taken it easy.

The mechanic thinks that it's the fuel pump that might be causing the problem but the diesel specialist I usually go to is on holiday 'til week after next.

Guess I'm going to have to wait....

Meanwhile, does anyone know where I can get the mini fuel filter and spring from?



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