Missing, smoke, wont rev over 3k

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I found this on United Diesels site.

Diesel Engine Problems

I am often asked to diagnose vehicle problems over the phone, if only it was that easy. Main Dealers, specialists and garages equipped with expensive and sophisticated diagnostic equipment still seem to struggle. Computer generated fault codes only go a certain distance to point in the direction of the problem. After that, it is a process of elimination, unfortunately at your expense.

The innovation of the computer generated fault diagnosis has led to a generation of mechanics that have often lost sight of the basic operating principles of the diesel engine. Unfortunately the fault codes don’t always pin point the problem but rather bring up an array of codes that could be either this or that. Being told: ’we have tried this and it has not helped’ or the best one, ‘sorry there are no fault codes so we can’t find anything’, is extremely frustrating and can be costly.

I am not knocking the modern mechanic, nowadays diesel engines are extremely sophisticated and difficult to diagnose. I personally do not have any diagnostic equipment and all my knowledge comes from other people’s experiences and years of working in the diesel trade. I hope that the information below helps and does not just confuse you but at least it is something to start with and has not cost you anything.

Diesel Troubleshooting
The Answer is in the Smoke

We can generally understand what is wrong with a diesel engine by the colour of smoke emitted from the exhaust. There are three basic colours - black, white and blue.

Black Smoke
This is due to a air to fuel ratio imbalance, either the fuel system is delivering too much fuel into the engine or there is not enough clean air (oxygen ) a few things to look for:
Faulty injectors (injectors need attention at about 100.000 to 120 000 miles)
Faulty injector pump
Dirty air cleaner
Turbocharger or intercooler faulty
Problems within cylinder head, valves clogged up due to faulty EGR (exhaust gas recycling unit)

White Smoke
Normally means that the fuel injected into the cylinder is not burning correctly. The smoke will burn your eyes.
Engine/pump timing out
Fuel starvation to the pump causing the pumps timing not to operate correctly
Low engine compression
Water/petrol in the fuel

Blue Smoke
The engine is burning engine oil
Worn cylinders or piston rings
Faulty valves or valve stem seals
Engine over full with engine oil
Faulty injector pump/lift pump allowing engine oil to be mixed with the diesel

So fuel starvation could be the answer...

Hope so ! well thanks for the lengthy responce and taking the time to look, i mean i sat there this morning foot to the floor and it was like a smoke machine at a night club, but great info.
Hope so ! well thanks for the lengthy responce and taking the time to look, i mean i sat there this morning foot to the floor and it was like a smoke machine at a night club, but great info.

This is how we are on this site, soon after I joined I started to fix problems I never knew I had.:lol:lol

Mostly preventative maintenance and the odd wet carpet, most fixes are very cheap, or even free and just take some time, that's why I have kept my Mav 18 years.:thumb2.

First day, and I recon you have covered your joining fee already.:thumbs

Best of luck with the fix and I reckon you'll find the advice given will sort you out. Not sure if you have found it or not but the downloads section people have spoken of is within the quick links menu at the top right of the page.

Don't forget to let us know how you get on.
Mine did the same thing was mini filter in pump.

Cheers Gav
I actually love you guys !
After a few F's and c's and not dropping the brass washer but instead dropping the banjo not for 45 minute hunt, the maverick is OMG
I can't say how much I appreciate your swift help, I took the mini fiter out which I ended up putting a hole threw any way but was still blocked, and whist I was in there I found the 2" hose near the pump from the fuel rail to a servo thing had perished and cracked,
Well now I have a vehicle that goes like stink , revs past the red line and you can even hear the turbo boosting , 100% hats off to the lot of you thanks a million....Chris
Yep love it , I thought I'd got a proper lemon at 8 am this morning now it's a a peach !
nice one mate, but you did the hard work. genuinely chuffed for you as everyone on this club is - glad to hear it goes like stink, I like hearing that about these trucks!!:thumbs
Yep that's what this club is all about, look after one another on here. Pleased you've got it sorted. Check out the rest of the downloads and you'll find more answers on there.
Thing to do now besides making sure it has a good service with correct oils, even the diff's. You need to check the 4wd is working before winter, chances are it wont of been used or it will of been miss used because that's what happens to them. What ever you do don't use 4wd on a hard surface, the wheels need to slip a little.
Oh yeah forgot to mention no need to worry about a timing belt or chain on the 2.7 diesel either. Bullet proof gear driven timing.

mine turned out to be the mini filter too, even though there did not seem much muck in it.
Perhaps the air line blew the blockage out of the mesh, anyway on the way to get a new fuel filter went great again, fuel filter stored for next year.
ha ha well to be fair, this club has taught me well.I will always maintain that when I had my Maverick, the only thing that kept it going was the help and support of this club.:thumbs