Misfiring? Glow plugs?

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Active member
Oct 1, 2009
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Im new to diesels (only had petrol up till now) and i seem to be getting some odd stuff happening this week. After staring with no problems i sometimes get hesitation or what feels like misfiring from the engine around the 2-3k revs. When the engine is fully warm i have no problems at all....is this sounding like i need new glow plugs? Tried taking the sensor of the air filter and cleaning with WD40 which has made no difference?! Suggestions? :nenau
if only when cold, maybe as i THINK the are still heated untill engin is warm.

ebay have a few sets at the mo if i remember right.
Yes could well be the plugs - though I wouldn't really expect it to need them once it gest up to 2-3K even when stone cold. How well is it actauly starting?

Also WD40 is not a good idea on the MAF sensor, you need to do it with something like carb cleaner that will evapourate and leave no residue. WD40 could actually make matters worse by providing an oily layer for dirt etc to stick to.

Could lso be water or air in the fuel but try the plugs and clean MAF again first.
mine does the same its either injectors or accelerater position sensor but they are dear to buy
Ill give the cleaning of the MAF another go as youve suggested....it starts perfect everytime. Ad runs perfect when warmed up.
mine does the same its either injectors or accelerater position sensor but they are dear to buy

Yeah i thought injectors, but ive ran 4 or five differnet injector clean additives through to see if it made any difference at all, but im realistic about these additives and how good they are.

Lets hope its nothing expensive this close to xmas :(
Yes could well be the plugs - though I wouldn't really expect it to need them once it gest up to 2-3K even when stone cold. How well is it actauly starting?

Also WD40 is not a good idea on the MAF sensor, you need to do it with something like carb cleaner that will evapourate and leave no residue. WD40 could actually make matters worse by providing an oily layer for dirt etc to stick to.

Could lso be water or air in the fuel but try the plugs and clean MAF again first.

:clap:bow As suggested clening the MAF with the right stuff seems to have sorted the problems...no probs today with 2 cold start ups :clap :thumbs Thanks Terranosaurus!
Not the turbo i hope!!

Ok guys not so good news, i had hoped to have solved my problem with the MAF but this morning have had it come back, now like i say before im pretty new to diesels and turbos but ive noticed something that i think may be a reason for my problems and wondered what you opinions are.

Ill post a pic below, but ive noticed some oily residue that seems to be coming from what i guess is the turbo/intercooler. I wonder if some sort of gasket is venting when cold, seeing as my problem dissapears when warm (maybe the metal expands and closes up any holes?) take a look you can see the oily buildup on the fuel pump cable connectors. you just see the join/gasket beneath that seems to be venting :nenau

Any ideas what it is?

Looks like you have a hole in your intercooler, the oil will be coming from the breather system or the turbo, may be worth cleaning out your breather when you change the intercooler, which you willl have to do as you are loosing turbo boost pressure and from experience this will cause a hesitation / misfire up to about 2000rpm at low engine loads.

You could be right about it sealing up when it expands. Make sure when you replace it that the rubber mounts are intact and the cooler is not bolted down unevenly as to put stress on it or it will break again.
Im just doing some googling as we speak as im totally new diesels and Turbos so im on new ground here. But just a little update, after looking further, and in just a desperate attempt to make the car run a better i have tried the EGR valve bypass/bearing trick at the moment :confused: , which has improved the misfiring situation, but it is still there very very slightly. Which leads me to believe there is some sort of breathing/recirculation problem. So i guess i need to remove the EGR and give a good soak in petrol and try and remove any carb build up hopefully.

Secondly, as for the oil leak i have looked down the back of the engine bay and it is lightly spraying oil onto the rear bulkhead. So i think the gasket is blowing from more than one area and NEEDS replacing. So after alot of googling and some normal "www.contradictingadvice.com" on other forums etc i think there is nothing left but to start doing some more thorough investigating and striping down.

Information im reading shows that i may find some little oil inside the manifold and carb build up, but i am getting a contradiction on whether that is normal, just a case of breather blocked or general replacing of split pipes......or turbo seals going?! :eek: which obviously dont really like the sound of.

So as it stands, its going to be a few weeks before i can find the time to take her of the road to do a day or two's tinkering, and hopefully on rebuild and a little TLC i may see some improvement as the car is still totally drivable, i just know that its not 100%.

Thanks for the help so far, sometimes it just good to hear other's opinions, and this has been a great forum so far. Cheers :clap :bow

Looks like the inlet manifold gasket on runner 1 to me??? (below the ic)
Might Sound daft but try getting fuel from somewhere else.
I was using tesco and had some misfires and some smoke when accelerating.

Changed to BP only 1p a litre more expensive. after a couple of tank full no misfires (touch wood). Starts better. No smoke when accelerating hard either.

Just a thought
A valid thought though mate, something i had not considered, and i do also only use tesco fuel. thanks
Might Sound daft but try getting fuel from somewhere else.
I was using tesco and had some misfires and some smoke when accelerating.

Changed to BP only 1p a litre more expensive. after a couple of tank full no misfires (touch wood). Starts better. No smoke when accelerating hard either.

Just a thought
after reading this post from the start, i realised that the night before changing air filter we went shopping and on the way out put £20.00 of diesel in, and was TESCO'S, so before i start tinkering im of to BP and put another £20.00 in and see what happens, i'll post my findings at a later date. :doh:lol