Milner off road website

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Sep 4, 2009
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Anyone used the milner website recently went to place an order couldnt log in emailed them and was told they had deleted there entire customer database and i would have to register again :doh I replied asking if the person responible for this were sacked but didnt receive a reply:lol
they have updated their system/webpage.

Why should someone be sacked, it takes 2-3 mins to re-register??
surprised they didn't have a backup..!

They probably have, but for some unknown reason they may decide not to use it.
There could be a security issue, and details of customers accounts compromised.

Or other business reasons...
they have updated their system/webpage.

Why should someone be sacked, it takes 2-3 mins to re-register??

For most companies the customer database would be the most valueable asset especially in retail.Couldnt be bothered to re register went to local motor factor:thumbs
I replied asking if the person responible for this were sacked but didnt receive a reply:lol

As we are moving into a "blame society" and someone is responsible for giving compensation, we have many companies milking the system with no win no fee cases going to court.

We are also moving into a society that if someone makes an error then people seem to want them to be sacked or ask them to resign.:doh
This is happening in the government offices a lot.
Ok public figures are in a different position as any comment or action is sent around the world in microseconds.

We have all pressed the delete button on a computer, or even formatted a drive, either a pen drive or camera memory by mistake.
Hardware problems also occur making accessing hard drives impossible.
But those with caution and common sense will back up their data.

However, if an employee deliberately deletes data or even copies it to take to a new company, then they should be considered for the sack and prosecution as this is criminal damage.

In Tudor times, people use to shout " Off with his head" so maybe things aren't that bad now after all.....:lol:lol:lol:lol:lol
In my job , 1 minor mistake costs many thousands of pounds, thankfully at my place of work it is accepted that we are human and mistakes can be made. This claim society is costing ALL of us a lot of money one way or another and in my view is a complete travesty in the way it is being abused.