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Sep 25, 2008
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saturday night was spent at home (wales) with jo & kids etc. a very normal day, perfect in fact sunny hot and quiet.
we had tea around 7pm and the dogs had the left overs. spag bol...
around 10 pm cocoa ( pops) my German shepherd aged 11 got up out of her bed a bit stiff but normal. she looked a bit fat ( bloated ) but again she does this sometimes . let her out for her late night wee and poo , she looked to be retching and in some pain trying to poo . but again not unknown , she often has the bins out or eats something out of the garden (horse poo or dead animals) and spends the evening with upset tummy.

by midnight im very worried and ringing the vet . who said bring her down right now. i did and canine bloat was diagnosed
read link everyone

they tried to put hose down her throat but not possible . the tummy was twisted .

at 3.30 am sunday im driving home with pops who had passed away .
i buried her yesterday morning in the garden .

it was one of the hardest things ive ever had to do . jo who had the pleasure of knowing pops for only 4-5 months is heart broken. she used to walk her for miles every day and had really bonded with her. ive lost my shadow the one who loved me unconditionally , she never got cross or had a bad mood . she just wanted to be with me all the time and she loved having her bum and big ears scrached. its so bloody empty without her.

when you get your puppy . you know one day you will have to face the cruel fact one day you will loose them but .

it was such a perfect day and nothing to give a clue something was or could be wrong. it just took us by surprise, id never even heard of canine bloat and ive had dogs all my life .

please spend some time to read the link.
google it and if you get any signs ring the vet as quick as you can.
its better to over worry about this its a killer and really fast

R.I.P pops
Oh no that is so bad mate, I'm not so sure about other animals as pet's but I do understand how you felt about the dog. Nearly two years ago we had to have our 18 month olf Border Collie put down. It is so devasting, I totally understand how you feel. It will get easier but you'll never forget your friend. Hope you'll get another dog, it'll not be a replacement it'll just be another. Take your time and get another when the time is right.


PS we've now got Coco a Chocolate Lab, we love her to bit's. She can't replace Tess and we'll never forget Tess and I hope one day you too will be able to say this.
i lost ly old pal jack 3 years ago , jack was a collie cross and i loved him to bits , he never complained when i was upset , he was always there , .... jack was 18 years old when he passed away , a very old age for a dog , but it doesnt make it any easier , in fact it makes it worse .

i totally understand how you feel mate , especially when people say its only a dog . no it isnt !!! , its your best mate .


You know after losing Tess our Collie a friend of mine once said he couldn't understand why people can get so upset over an animal:eek: He had never had a pet as a child or in adult life. Another friend once said "they're so tyeing" (meaning your stuck and can't do anything without having to think of them). People like that have had such hollow lives and missed out greatly but it takes all sorts doesn't it.

We are thinking of ya mate, let it all out don't bottle it up.

Really sorry to hear about Pops Colin.....soon as you are feeling a bit better, take my advice and get another - nice little Jack or similar, something manageable and less susceptible to tragedies like this. :thumb2

Bloody shame.
Sorry to hear about your dog, been through similar recently and know exactly how you feel.

I was aware of bloat in dogs, which I think is sometimes caused gastric torsion, we were given some good advice a long time ago, being that the dog should not be exercised or play vigourously for at least an hour after eating, but with dogs being dogs it's not always that easy.

It will get easier and you eventually will be thankful for what you had and less sad for what you have lost.

rainbow bridge

Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends, so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food and water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigour; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing: they miss someone very special to them who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. The bright eyes are intent; the eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to break away from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.
Sorry Colin, what a bum weekend. I met pops a few times and feel for you mate.
As you know my old collie cross used to love coming out offroading with me more than the kids:D but she's a bit too fragile for that now:(
Dogs are unconditional friends that's for sure. I dread the day when Hollie my 15 year old collie meets her end:eek: so treasure every day she can still come down the beach and chase other kids footballs:lol
Any way when you're settled again go rescue another friend:cool:
So sorry to read your story, my thoughts are with you and your family. Its awfull when you loose your pet...
I have owned dogs all my life and have never heard of this condition, thank you for making me aware! Hopefully your sad experience can help others learn and perhaps save their pets life should the same problem arise.
I lost my boy Scooby last Feb suddenly, so I have an idea how you feel. He suddenly developed an infection in his spine and the vets tried him on some anti-biotics for a couple of weeks. Turned out they didnt help at all and there was no time left to try different ones, I was gutted and still am. Like you say, they become a close member of your family, and if i'm being completely honest I loved him more than a lot of humans... he only ever showed me unconditional love, something a lot of humans do not understand.
I went a couple of months before I just had to get another companion, I missed the routines too much and of course the unconditional love. My mum bought me Poppy, an 8 week old red Collie and although Scooby could never be replaced it does feel good to be able to share the good times with another pal that looks up to you in a way no person ever would or could.
Thanks again for sharing with us your story, I know I have learnt from it and will certainly be following the advise to avoid it. Thoughts are with you pal

Scooby and Poppy


sorry to hear about your dog mate, seems tehres a lot of bad news going around. on a much smaller scale, one of our little Guinea Pigs is ill. I know, a lot of people just say "only a guinea pig" but we love our animals and take real good care of them. This one is called Bruce, and normally he is huge, wlel over 3Lb and ginger. A real sweet natured little piggy, but he got ill last week, and has declined. to be honest, he must be hard as nails because they dont usually last more than 24 hours. We have 13 Guineas Pigs right now, and a Rabbit called Bob, so although we dont have a dog, i can appreciate how you must feel, even if it is on a much smaller scale!
Sorry to hear about your loss.

My last dog was a mad head Boxer - went through thick and thin with me, but saddley was riddled with cancer and died just after my son was born in 2003. Now son is 7 we decieded to get another, this time a collie x lab. Totally different in personalitys, but still 100% best mate and ALWAYS happy to see you! :thumb2

When we told people we were getting a dog again they all said we were mad... cant take them to the beach, banned from certain areas, cant go out for the day. As others have said though he is part of the familly, so we would find another beach etc.

For what they give they are more then worth it!!
Sorry to hear about your loss.

My last dog was a mad head Boxer - went through thick and thin with me, but saddley was riddled with cancer and died just after my son was born in 2003. Now son is 7 we decieded to get another, this time a collie x lab. Totally different in personalitys, but still 100% best mate and ALWAYS happy to see you! :thumb2

When we told people we were getting a dog again they all said we were mad... cant take them to the beach, banned from certain areas, cant go out for the day. As others have said though he is part of the familly, so we would find another beach etc.

For what they give they are more then worth it!!

Agree totally.

My beloved Rotti/Lab cross died from cancer almost 18 months ago. Still miss him to be honest. The Jack Russell stepped up as top dog/best mate but sadly dogs version of alzeimers got him last year aged 14. Those two were the most laid back dogs I have ever come across. Then the psycho yorkie (skin head long distance walker, she thought she was a bull terrier) got poorly and died a few months back.

The collie is with the ex missus (I know the maths dont add up to the post above thats because 2 of the dogs stayed with the ex, we had 3 of them here).

Id have any one of them back and apart from when I was about 13 to 16 Ive never lived in a dog free house, wouldn't have it any other way ever ,whereas with people I'm a bit more picky ;)

and that leaves us with our spaniel, shes a dude.
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your good friend, mate. Hope you can get another companion soon.

My heartfelt sympathies to you and your's. Try to concentrate on the good times you had together with your friend.
thanks guys . its been a crappy end to the weekend . but i guess she didnt suffer a long horrible end. the last couple couldnt have been nice for her at all. but cancer riden or bad hips joints would have been worse to watch .

i just cant get over how fast she went. she was so fit and healthy. jo used to walk her up to 5 miles a day . and she would want more ...

i guess it was just her time .
if anything good comes from this , itll be you all know about what can happen to any dog at any time . we all know what to look out for .

got to leave wales now:( just loading the car again its so empty , she would be sitting in the car now waiting so we wouldnt forget her. she was like that if she saw an overnight bag . she wouldnt let you out of sight :)

funny buggers aint they ... they are just a dog to some but to us . you know them so well as do they you ... you build your life around them . without thinking

thanks again from us both.

oh and jo cant believe what a forum / club we have here , although she did say we dont talk about 4x4 that much . :confused:
but everyone is so there for each other :bow
sorry to hear about your dog (pops) i have a german shepered my self and a lurcher wolf hound cross...... i would be gutted if i lost 1 off them!! so know how you must be feeling:( i have heared a about this problem as i come from a farming back ground!! and know that cattle and horses suffer from it!!

1 of my mums horses had it about 7months ago fine when she put her in the stable and then the next morning she was in terrible pain ect, she was put down a hour later:( my mum was guttet at her loss and how quick the horse really ill !!! so hope you mange to get your self another pup or dog!! i know it wont replace your loss .