Member in hospital

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Richard still in hospital and not able to have visitors as yet.

Alison at home with Kayla, being taken care of by parents and not up to having visitors yet either.
Alison and Kayla doing fine, Richard still in hosp. Will update if we can get to see them Saturday.
Visited Alison and Kayla tonight with Mrs Cameraman and they doing well. Alison looking much better and Kayla hungry and displaying a fine set of lungs.

Rich been poorly but on the mend now, still in hosp and hopefully home soon.
Hi sweety what i can make out from camareman said he had apendixs out and it left some pruss behind so that is why he is in hospital.

i had that as nipper aparently very bad if they burst no wonder hes been so long in hospital but what a time for it to happen just when things look good sommat bites u on the bum!
has anybody got any more news on rbrt hope he is better or even at home
The last I heard (I've been away this weekend) Richard was reported to be feeling better and on the mend, however, I believe he's still in hosp.
Richard is doing better now and has been allowed home for a weekend visit, hopefully home for good soon.
cameraman said:
Richard is doing better now and has been allowed home for a weekend visit, hopefully home for good soon.

Thats great news :smile: Being home for the weekend will make him feel so much better & if every thing goes ok they will discharge him in no time :smile:
Good news, Richard was discharged today and is now back at home. No doubt he'll be back on here soonest. 8)
hi richard good to read you are back home ,
wishing you and allison and the young one .
the very best .
regards.iandouglas and sheila
guess who's back

hi all.

discharged other day, just not able to spend long on pc, drugs effecting my vision a bit.

thank you to one and all for the kind words, i'm extremely flattered that you all should take an interest in myself and family.

real friendship.

it was stress related for me, alison was readmitted with a haemorage from the c-section that ruptured.

thanks again everyone

richard alison & kayla

ps kayla is now 7 weeks old today and weighed 9.75 lb other day when health visitor called, and was 24" long.

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