Mac Challenge

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Nov 6, 2006
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Overnighting in Aberystwith at Aberystwyth Park Lodge so if anyone nearby wants to have a meet as they say COME ON DOWN,Give them your support if nearby.:thumbs:thumbs
:doh Why didnt you say earlier, I seem to have been consumed by lady ga ga and a couple of rather tasty shiraz:sly
Where they off to next?
Have just been told that they are staying at the same place tonite.So if you want to support 2 members doing the mac challengs go see them and have a natter.JD
Thanks for that JD.

What a weekend and I know Dave hae a great time too.Too tired right now but it was fab.

Me and Steven came 4th overall in the Terrano, not sure how Davemud did as they don't announce full results on the night just the award winners so we'll have to wait a day or two to find out. There was another very standard Terrano out too from BOFA 4x4 but never got chance to chat with him.

Awesome event - anyone can do it, even an X-trail would have got round. A set of AT's (at least) would be recommended but not essential. A Hyundai Terracan was out to give you some idea.

But if you're interested you need to get an entry in the post the same day as the forms are released. Peter had 72 entries land the first day for 60 places but they extended to 90, with the credit crunch etc a few dropped out but 78 starters is a record.

Be great to see some more Nissans out - show these ladies..... I mean landies, what we can do.
Hi Fellow Nissna Drivers
was good to see u over the weekend Simon :thumb2

We have just got back after the 4hr Return trip to surrey
very tiering drive, but lucky my Mrs was still in co/driver mode so we split the driving

As others have said it would have been good to have a few more guys from the Nissan Oc out this weekend, the routes and finishing areas are kept very secret.
It was a very knackering few days finishing of with a long Sunday evening and night do in the posh dever hotel in chester but this put a Very Very good Finish to a GR8 awesome Weekend

As we were Mac4x4 virgins this being our first weekend, the start was i have to say very difficult for us map reading was not so bad,
it was spotting the clues we found difficult at first

we Got a bit worried several times when u see vast numbers of other team members going in the other or opposite direction
when we finally got to the first camp site in Aberystwyth Wales it was not what i was expecting but at least Dry and Flat,
but Cold Very Very Cold the Saturday was gr8 driving round the sections of forest and gravel areas not usually open to the public
even the X-STREAM (not open not to be done log route!, which put the biggest smile on my face that day :D
but I have to say Mrs was scared witless even the modification to the side step :dohwere not a problem

Best of all i done that whole wrong route in rear wheel drive only What a gr8 mota the Patrol :thumb2

I understand its the first time the competitors have spent the 2 nights at the same location but we didn't need to worry on leaving the area Sunday
Boy Little did we know that buy lunch time we were in what i have to SAY is one of the most remote yet beautiful places i have ever had the privilege of driving,
Snowdonia National Park was breath taking to say the least.

We will be back if we can get in don't think i could ever forgive my self if i didn't try

Well come on guys Next year Team Nissan Oc, but be warned if next year (there 10th) is as good as this one you wont be disappointed but it won't be easy :clap:clap

hear is a couple of pic's to temp you will post more of them on my photo bucket 4x4 Challenge 2010/

If anyone wants to do it next year you'll need to get your entry in in about 4 weeks when they open. Originlly there were 60 places this year - they had 72 land the first morning after releasing the forms and extended to 90 in the end but a few drop out meant only 78 started.
If anyone wants to do it next year you'll need to get your entry in in about 4 weeks when they open. Originlly there were 60 places this year - they had 72 land the first morning after releasing the forms and extended to 90 in the end but a few drop out meant only 78 started.
Sorry mate, Mr Stupid here :augie
Where do I send what to etc :nenau
Is there a link etc thanks (sorry I'm welsh):lol
Wow what a weekend, where to start - I suppose the beginning would be a good place.

As detailed elsewhere I ended up in need of a co-driver at the last minute and Steven Tiffany agreed to step into the breach with only 48hrs to go.

Steve came round on thursday evening and we completed packing the car and a couple of little jobs, setting up spotlights, remove tow bar etc before having a takeaway and looking through last years paperwork to hopefully give Steven some ideas what he had let himself in for, one of the main bits of advice I gave Steven was to have the courage of your convictioncs and just ignore what everyone else is doing. If you think the route goes right and everyone else turns left, have a quick check by all means but do what you think is right, don't follow people.

Then a quick trip up the pub for some light refreshments and a bit of team building. Back home, I knocked up a quick pasta sauce to take for friday or saturdays dinner and we went to bed.

Up early we set off for the Start at Britpart, Craven Arms. A quick detour for Steven to do something for work on the way down and we managed to pick up a 12v powersupply for the net book to run Memory Map on and we were set.

We were one of the last to sign on but still had over 2hrs to wait before the off which was brought forward 1hr to 3.00pm

They were running 2 routes, with odd numbers and evens doing different stuff but on the whole heading the smae way so we were away at 3.17 along with Team 34.

Using lots of backroads and finding clues as we went we travelled west to Clun, south to Knighton and then SW to Radnor forest and the first bit of offroad action. Here we swapped seats and I took over the maps. We had to navigate our way around the forest looking for code boards (bits of number plate actually) and writing them down in the correct order. On the first section like this Neil and I lost a lot of points so I was keen to make a good start but unfortunately I miss judged it and we went too slow this time, by the time we realised this there was a lot of time to catch so Steven and I swapped seats again and I gave it some beans to get us to the next time control at the rest halt in Crossgates ASAP - this bit was good fun and the Terrano was nice and predictable on brand new Maxxis Buckshot tyres, both on the loose gravel and on tarmac so I was able to push on without actually pushing our luck.

Down the road and into the control where we were 13mins late but so were many many people so we were not overly concerned. A headlight bulb was out so I replaced that and we had a hot drinik and chat with other competitors.

Down the A44 to Rhayader with more clues on the way and then back roads over the old mountain road to Cwmystwyth, up the B4574 to Devils Bridge and more back roads following the river into Aberystwyth for the overnight halt.

The campsite was a large field behind a hotel where the organisers were staying, so refreshments were available and a good night was had by all. We'd had sandwiches on the way into britpart so even though it was now pretty late a hot meal ( the pasta & sauce etc) was very welcome. Obviouslky we were very good boys and went to bed nice and early, and rumoursw of our having been up till the small hours and upsetting the owner of a Jeep Wrangler when we used his bumper as an impromptu bar for ther empties are purely conjectuer and have no proveable basis in fact.....

Up at 7 (well I was, sleepy bones was still snoring) and I put the kettle on a and rustles a few bacon butties (Mark would have been so proud) up. It had been a fairly warm night but as always the morning was somewhat cold and frosty but hey it wasn't raining despite us being in wales - result.

Out from Aber and up the 44 to Sweet Lamb, a motorsport complex well used for rallies and hill rallies etc and somewhere I've been a dozen times before in the past. There's 2 turns into the complex and there seemed to be a lot of confusion as to which way was correct, but we stuck to our guns and took a lonely drive up the west side of the valley whilst a big convoy went up the eastern side in full view of us. Turns out we were right but got no real benefit from it as there were no codeboards and the timing was pretty slack.

As we approached the main arena area we could see someone was there testing, turned out to be some of the big boys, there was a Bowler, a Milner Truck and a few others I didn't recognise, but we were running elsewhere from them. North through the complex and out into Haffren forest for more codeboards and some trickier navigation, but once again we stuck to our guns and did what we thought was right and got the route right first time which was satisfying to do when we were seeing others coming out of dead ends or arriving from the wrong direction etc. This section was fairly relaxed and we fnished it pretty early (and well up the field as we'd not got lost) and we all parked up for lunch in the bowl, watched a bit of the testing in the distance and chatted with others.

Away again after lunch and straigght over the road into Haffren South for more fo the same. This proved to be somewhat trickier as the navigation included 3 grid references that plotted well away from a road. There were 2 likely looking dead ends in the area and I assumed they must actually go through and meet up. However we were quite lucky as when we arrived at the crossroads where we had to make a decision we met a huge convoy coming from our right and then taking a right turn (our straight on), these were shortly followed by Sellwyn the organiser who seemed somewhat flustered so we drove over to find out what he was saying and found he was chasing all the others as we were supposed to be going were they'd come from and that there was a new road up there that wasn't on the map. So off we went and drove it - fair bit of snow up there but noting to worry about.

The magical mystery road passed thoiugh 2 of the references but not the third so deecided to have an explore and see if we could get to it via the only other route - which turned out to be a dead end so a few minutes lost but nothing severe, but memory map is good for that you can tell for certain if you're on the right track or not. A couple of fords and a short rocky climb led us back down to the crossroads from earlier where this time we went straight on. Next we came across a couple of cars dithering at the bottom of a turn up to the right that was a little blocked by brushwood, but thatwas definitely the route so I spurred Steven on but we only got a few yards before stopping, straight into reverse and out she came complete with loads of branches etc attached. A few minutes of clearing this allowed a Disco to turn up doing that bit backwards who said it was passible, he had 33 or 35s on and a decent lift but we decided to at least have a look. The forestry had been felling up the and all the braches and smaller timber that hadn't been trucked away was all over the road so the going was somewhat lumpy. As the track started to deteriorate I found a safe place to stop and got out to assess the situation and move a few of the larger logs. Just then a std Disco with muds on came up from behind so I decided to risk going on as we were no longer along and the others were game too.

We got out the other end to meet a couple of cars having a look that end - they were NOT going to get through in theirs and so turned around. We went back up to the start of that section to check from boards, just in time to stop a Hyundai Terraacan going in - he'd probably still be there now if he'd have tried it. Excellent fun but to no avail. Back out to the main road where the control was and then back to Aberystwyth for a tea time halt.

We had dinner in Morrisons over the road from the campsite and picked up a few supplies before heading back to the hotel. I gave the Terrano a proper looking over underneath to ensure we hadn't done any harm and found a split CV boot whilst I was under there. It was fully split in 2 so I improvised a covering from tarpaulin, gaffer tape and cables ties to try minimise the amount of dirt that would get in - but that was the only problem. Bit of fiddling with the lights as we knew we were going out again and we were set. Steven knocked up some sandwichs and filled the flasks again and we were ready.

Back to Hafren for more codeboards and another mystery road but we had no issues with that now. This took us up through a wind farm and there was a fair bit of snow again in places. Even numbers went South North and odds North South on the same route so we were passing on coming competitors. We got to the end with 1hr 20min to spare so turned back and had another look for codeboards finding 1 extra in the process so it was worth it + it was fun too LOL. We went about 30 mins back so left ourself with 20 mins to spare just in case of a puncture etc.

That was it for the night as it happened and we went back to Aberystwyth and gobbled our sandwiches on the way back in - I was well up for another few hours like that in the dark but it wasn't to be.

A few jars in the hotel and a few cans by the tent and we retired for the night. It was a really clear night and pretty damn cold. We awoke to ice inside the tent where the previous morning it was just condensation. Sausage butties for brekky, frantic kettle boiling to fill flasks and keep us supplied with hot drinks as we packed up. Then off again.
This time north to Machynlleth and then towards Dollgellau before turning off at Dinas Mawddwy onto bacdk roads over the moors to Lake Vyrnwy - classic road rally roads but I've only done em once or twice in the past. Unfortunately looking for clues had slowed us and we were then being slowed up more by a small convoy of landies and no one was moving over. Then once again we had our resolve tested as we approached the end of the road where we were looking to turn left at a T junction and along the lake edge, we started to see 4x4s above us to the left up the valley side and everyone in front of us turned up a hairpin left junction and joined them. We pulled over to check the map and a few more behind us also turned up left. But we decided no keep going and stick to OUR plan and after a bit more spirited driving we turned up at the control bang on our minute ready to start the next section.

This was over the top and into Penllyn forest. A few warnings about washed out bits and snow and to use low box etc from the marshal at the start and we were away - in 2wd high box of course LOL. We caught the Isuzu V-cross (or whatever it was called) havuing real difficulties in the snow, right on top of the photographer and Selwyn the organiser. Everyone got out to laugh, point, take pictures etc as Steve (not Tiffany the Isuzu guy) had been boasting the week before, on the Mac forum about how good his snow tyres were and how fantastic the Isuzu Torque On Demand electronically controlled diffs are - now rechristened "All Talk On Demand". Anyway he got through and just to prove it wasn't really that bad I did it in 2wd. In to the forest and a snowy washed out bit seemed to hold everyone up but not really sure why. Then more forest before we came down to a steep climb between the trees - once again the Isuzu had trouble - just not enough ground clearance, he had to go around in the end. I did use low box for a short bit up there but it wasn't really that bad, just rutted so needed clearance and the track wasn't wide enough to straddle the ruts. Down into Bala for the next control.

Steven knocked up some sandwichs again whilst I plotted our route and off we went again looking for clues. Backroads via Llandrillo to Corwen, then the A5 to Llangollen and the A542 to the finish on Horseshoe pass. Then a free run back to the hotel at Warrington for a shower, dinner, the awards and mucho mucho beer.

The whole event was fab, some will know I was disappointed last year - not so this year, really lived up to the reputation and was a cracking weekend. The only things I'd ask for is a more remote campsite, more varied types of navigation and generally more - we could have done a night section on friday too and run longer on saturday night. But thats not to knock it really more how it could be even better in my opinion.
Well done guys:clap you sound to of had some real good fun. If I wasn't so skint with a poorly truck I'd be registering for next years trip but the way I'm going I may not have a truck by then.

Jim T
A few piccies


Lunch on saturday at Sweet Lamb

Saturday evening - Aberystwyth before the evening restart

Dave mud directly below the windmill

Muddie - again

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