Hi Fellow Nissna Drivers
was good to see u over the weekend Simon :thumb2
We have just got back after the 4hr Return trip to surrey
very tiering drive, but lucky my Mrs was still in co/driver mode so we split the driving
As others have said it would have been good to have a few more guys from the Nissan Oc out this weekend, the routes and finishing areas are kept very secret.
It was a very knackering few days finishing of with a long Sunday evening and night do in the posh dever hotel in chester but this put a Very Very good Finish to a GR8 awesome Weekend
As we were Mac4x4 virgins this being our first weekend, the start was i have to say very difficult for us map reading was not so bad,
it was spotting the clues we found difficult at first
we Got a bit worried several times when u see vast numbers of other team members going in the other or opposite direction
when we finally got to the first camp site in Aberystwyth Wales it was not what i was expecting but at least Dry and Flat,
but Cold Very Very Cold the Saturday was gr8 driving round the sections of forest and gravel areas not usually open to the public
even the X-STREAM (
not open not to be done log route!, which put the biggest smile on my face that day

but I have to say Mrs was scared witless even the modification to the side step :dohwere not a problem
Best of all i done that whole wrong route in rear wheel drive only What a gr8 mota the Patrol :thumb2
I understand its the first time the competitors have spent the 2 nights at the same location but we didn't need to worry on leaving the area Sunday
Boy Little did we know that buy lunch time we were in what i have to SAY is one of the most remote yet beautiful places i have ever had the privilege of driving,
Snowdonia National Park was breath taking to say the least.
We will be back if we can get in don't think i could ever forgive my self if i didn't try
Well come on guys Next year Team Nissan Oc, but be warned if next year (there 10th) is as good as this one you wont be disappointed but it won't be easy :clap:clap
hear is a couple of pic's to temp you will post more of them on my photo bucket
http://s713.photobucket.com/albums/ww136/davemud1/Mac 4x4 Challenge 2010/