Did not have a lot of time on it today as Sarah had a relapse after being discharged from hospital on Friday, got her back here again now in the mobile, anyway found a little bit of welding needed on the chassis, very close to where I put a plate last time, but most of my time was spent on getting my Mig working after the flood some time ago, nothing to onerous just that as I picked up the torch head water came out, so the switch was stuffed, but so were the bolts holding the torch together so took an age to get it apart in a way that it would go back together again, plastic with rusted nuts that could not stop turning in the recess, all I have to do now is sort the fuel leak, the drop links and the oil leak which on cursory examination looks like the oil filter, so oil and filter change is in order, but got tomorrow now as will have to stay home to be on hand for Sarah, Rick