loss of power after driving in deep water

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hi after a recent trip where i coverd 3,000km over 10 days off road at the end of the trip i developed some kind of electrical fault.

after driving in water over 60cm deep, the car seems to loose power for a secound or so when over 2000rpm and sometimes the power is cutting in and out, and when you floor it after doing this you not sure if you have enouth power to overtake or get up a hill, but after it drys out all is ok.

sometimes the engin defect light comes on, and then the car seems to behave a little better.

it was all ok a few weeks before the trip when I drove over a river that was 1.5 meters deep

also if anyone knows where i can d/load a copy of the service manual :)


Hi Robyice, can you please give us your vehicle details please. We encourage members to add their vehicle details to their signature which can be found in "Your Account" at the top of the screeen, this saves you having to type your details in every time.
Send Sharl1e a PM for details of the manuals.
When your Maintenance Light (MAL) your engine is running in safe mode to allow you to drive home.

Jim T
Hi Robert, Sounds strange, I had a old toyota that did the samething, but it was a machenical fault... It would hiccup when I floored it to over take!! I never did find out what the problem was!

If you have a snorkel fitted I take it the engine block, con rods etc are fine,

I would then look at the ECU, could possibly need remapping or may be the slow idel switch... But to be honest the modern cars are so complex I would take it to a garage and see what they have to say.

lots of service manuals on Ebay if Sharl1e cannot help...
ok sorry about not saying the type of car i expect you to be

Nisan Patrol 3.0 DDTi Elegance new Dec 2005
did u get water in cabin as on most nisssans ecu only perched on top off transmission tunnel you could have damaged that or any number of little scensors that tell it how and when to do stuff i think you need to pull all electrical blocks aprt squirt em with wd40 and fill with spray grease to try and dispell and prevent the water i had to do this with my navara i also fryed the alarm and imobiliser as they were in the inner wings in foot well it wasnt genuine nissan though they might have theres fitted higher.
Hi Jace, never ever had water in the cabin even when the water has come up to the windows, and the car behaved fine after beeing in this deep water, I think driving 2,000 km on jeep trails has shaken the car enouth to brake a seal on one of the sensors, when the car gos in for its 30,000km service ill get them to try and find it, hopefully that should be coverd by the warinty.
dont lifting it etc invalidate the warranty "body modification" or some such thing ?
not in iceland it dont, when caried out by one of 3 companies, the warinty on the axles and drive chain gos down alot though to 2 years or 60,000km

and the bearings etc and brakes etc are not coverd.
but everything else is a 3 year warinty
Arctic Trucks offers modifications in Iceland and Norway. Later this year (2007) customers in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia will also have this option.

Co-operating with local dealers in all these countries, the modified vehicles keep 3 year/100 thousand kilometers warranty, given the vehicles follow recommended service requirements. The service requirements for a modified vehicle add very little to what the manufacturer suggest.

Give the customer fulfill the additional required maintenance scheme made by Arctic Trucks for all new vehicles and each and every conversion, Arctic Trucks takes 3 years or 100.000 km warranty on all additional parts, accessories and conversion work originally not belonging to the vehicle but are directly belonging to the conversion.
NOTE: Warranty scheme varies between different conversion and models.

Drive train parts like differential gears, axle shafts and lockers are excluded from the warranty in case of abuse. If wrong use, excessive force or else causes damage Arctic Trucks cannot be held liable. In case of damage or claim, Arctic Trucks does not cover the cost of shipping the vehicle.

NOTE: Although the driveline is under limited warranty this does not imply any problems with these items.
Have you got water in the fuel? From the depths of water you describe one cause might be that water has made its way into the tank. Should be causing a water in fuel ight, but I understand not all disels have that feature? just a thought as it seems wading related, and while the obvious may be covered, snorkel, axle & gearbox breathers, the fuel system may have been over looked.

Simple step is to drain the fuel filter and have a look.
hi Jonathan thats what i first thought it was when it happend, but when opening the water drain on the bottom of the fuel filter and only a few drips came out, the problem also gos after the car has sat for like 5hrs or so and then only come back when taking it for a swim.
What a smart looking motor, I've seen other Icelandic Patrols and other 4x4s and they all seem to be the buisness. Pity we don't seem to get that sort of quality over here.

Welcomne to the club BTW.
Sounds like a rock or something has cracked a electrical seal somewhere underneath letting water in to cause a short then drying out.
Might be a case of putting it on a ramp and checking underneath with a spotlight looking at the fittings and cables.
As far as i know we don't have any company's in the UK that specialise in mods such like the Artic trucks, If that is the case it's a shame,

I think there is a market for this especially with the extreme weather we have been getting here like the Floods and seriously muddy lanes that tractors have churned up,

I mean who needs a boat or a mini submarine when you can drive your 4x4 with water lapping round your windows, with such versatility
pahaps one could study aquatic life as well as green laneing, :smile:
la supertrux will be our closest thing to monster truck styling they do lift kits etc!