Log Burner Flu Liner

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At least she can keep warm chopping logs:doh

wood warms u twice once cutting/ chopping and second burning i have gas central heating and hot water from boiler but have put in wood burner in my gas bill is about £16 a month which is for hot water and gas hob only fire gets seasnoed hard wood free from a friends wood:sly i use my chain saw round this time of year to cut it down then chop it up then it goes in to my shed with vents to allow air to dry wood and a clear plastic roof to solar kilm the logs ready for burning in oct works for me :thumbs
is there nothing u can buy these days that offer a back boiler like the old aga used to b able to hook up to ur heating /water
is there nothing u can buy these days that offer a back boiler like the old aga used to b able to hook up to ur heating /water

You can get some cracking multi fuel stoves with a back boiler then u just need a pump to circulate your heating water
is there nothing u can buy these days that offer a back boiler like the old aga used to b able to hook up to ur heating /water

I fitted a parkray chevin 111 fire with back boiler picked it up off ebay for120quid run nine rads and hot water burn wood and coal tend to bank it with coal last off house warm 24/7
Line it and read up/do it properly. As already stated, an unlined chimney can build up tar which will cool and run down the chimney and eat it's way through the mortar of your house. Classically poor installs allow the tar to drop into the builders hole behind the stove which will eventually catch fire. Fire brigade boys will sledge hammer out your stove to save the building.

Depending on stove, you probably won't need a register plate as you sweep up from inside the stove itself. Safely done, they're great.
Legally you need a register plate, and besides they work/draw better with a register plate and a completely sealed chimney
Depends what you are calling a register plate? Yes chimney must be sealed if it's lined or not. Best is lined and then the space around the liner filled with vermiculite to insulate it.
Lots of info on here
Size the wood burner then get a hetas registered fitter to do the work.
Its you and your families well being after all.
A carbon monoxide sensor/alarm is a good idea.
Where are you getting the timber to burn? check prices and approximate usage to gain an idea of costs. A multi fuel will enable you to burn coal as well.
I have two and they eat a barn full of timber every year.
Remember they are a radiator, a roaring fire in them may not heat the room any faster or better than a hot burn from Ash or Beech.(oak is too wet unless three years old, kiln dried oak is still wet)
I fitted my own flu liner and Stovax wood/coal burner.

Nothing technical to it, just got some advice off of the reputable distributer I bought it off.

Liner down the chimney, and fill the voids with vermculite.


I fitted my own flu liner and Stovax wood/coal burner.

Nothing technical to it, just got some advice off of the reputable distributer I bought it off.

Liner down the chimney, and fill the voids with vermculite.



Good answer and what I did.
I do also burn all sorts of crap wood and kitchen offcuts, pallets and whatnot in my wood burner. Now I know it's duff temps up the chimley but a quick brush now and then sorts that.
Today for example I've had it on since 9am on nowt but junk.
In the main fire in the lounge I always use seasoned logs in that as it's an old skool chimley. Mind you I set fire to that a few years back and caused a bit of a stir in the village :augie Damn thing went off like a battle ship putting up a smoke screen :lol
Roared like a thunder storm for a few minutes too. So shut down the vents and waited for it to go out. Job done.
Anyway I called the sweep the next day and he came round and said he hadn't seen such a clean flue for ages :naughty
Enjoy :cool:
A lot will depend on the area you live ie is it a smokless zone last thing you want is some coplaint off a neighbour and mr council bod comes around and finds you have no certificate of conformity and stove/fire is not on approved list
Ours has been in for last three days burning a mixture of smokless ovoids and logs also pallet wood and other wood we get in at work
Skip company is bringing scrap from a door company with loads of scrap hardwood from door frames burns a treat
i just took out the old coal fire,opened up the chimney breast to originan "range" size ,lined it with st' bees red sandstone, fitted 4mm hardox register plate with access plate , one length of ridgid flue pipe and used original chimney (14 mtrs high) no problems, if it burns ,i burn it
