locking hubs, auto vs manual

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the best hubs

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Jun 27, 2010
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When buggering about the other day, I noticed the RH locker wasn't....well.....locking. kinda defeats the object Dont you think?:lol anyways, I've got 2 more sets but I'm going to try and fix the hub instead of replacing it, good things theirs a download here on how to do it:D

Also, are manual hubs better than auto?

I added a poll to make it more fun :D
I fitted manual hubs to a Lightweight Land Rover that I owned many years ago and after having an occaisional sticking auto hub on my Maverick a few times would certainly consider a conversion kit.
problem with manuals is if you have not set them before you get in the mire, you then need to grovel in the mire to engage them, not much fun, Rick
I voted Auto, unless you have a Lokka then manuals or permanent locked are good, so poll's are not necessarily accurate, Rick
This has me curious, do Terranos/Mavericks as standard only come with purely auto hubs then?

I ask because my Troll essentially has both ie. on one setting it acts as an auto but you can get your socket out and turn it to the other setting which manually locks it.
A properly working auto is fine for all bar PnP sites I reckon. Autos need to be engaged slowly to stop shock loads breaking the snap rings.
I changed my autos to manuals only when my supply of second hand autos dried up :eek:
For me though the manual locked hub is piece of mind, but as Rick says, do engage before it's too late :lol
I prefer auto hubs as I'm used to them, manuals look Crap, my mate could only get them to engage by hitting with a hammer, so seems a bit of a fuss
I prefer auto hubs as I'm used to them, manuals look Crap, my mate could only get them to engage by hitting with a hammer, so seems a bit of a fuss

I suggest he takes them off and cleans/lubricates them. If they're not fecked with the hammer treatment. :doh

I have manual hubs, they turn and make a click on engage and disengage.:thumb2

I will take them off before winter, clean and oil, and put back on.

A properly working auto is fine for all bar PnP sites I reckon. Autos need to be engaged slowly to stop shock loads breaking the snap rings.
I changed my autos to manuals only when my supply of second hand autos dried up :eek:
For me though the manual locked hub is piece of mind, but as Rick says, do engage before it's too late :lol
I thought the auto hubs on the Teranno could be engaged whilst travelling at around 25MPH.Although i have tried not this:)
I suggest he takes them off and cleans/lubricates them. If they're not fecked with the hammer treatment. :doh

I have manual hubs, they turn and make a click on engage and disengage.:thumb2

I will take them off before winter, clean and oil, and put back on.


Vehicle was scrapped
I thought the auto hubs on the Teranno could be engaged whilst travelling at around 25MPH.Although i have tried not this:)

Yes indeed but that's into 4wd High. No dramas everything moving along nicely :) What I'm on about is the tendency for some less enlightened folk to get to the offroad site of choice, engage neutral and low box, bung it in 1st and drop the clutch like a Top gear drag start :doh
Same size as autos , just has a little switch in the middle, just finger and thumb to twist. Simples
Now undo it and fix it , poor thing don't need hammering :doh

No, I've never used them, seen how they are activated, they look Crap to use, autos are easier to use as you do sod all ;)
Have had both in the past and they both have pro's and cons.
All down to personal choice in the end I spose.:nenau