FAO those that have avm manual locking hubs.

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hello,my avm manual lockers arrived so fearing a snowfall i have put them on (many thanks to those people that took the time to compile the easy to follow and very informative workshop piece in the downloads section)it just seemed to me that the very small allen bolts that hold the essential locking part of the unit on to the hub body dont seem up to the job,they are that small that the allen key hardly got any purchase before slipping round in the bolt head..anyone also find this or am i just being too picky.

ps snow started falling 10 minutes after i finished putting them on. :lol:
I know exactly what you mean about those little bolts, I think they are OK for holding it together but I did find them a little poor liek you. I have a set of allen key sockets which did help as you could hold it a little straighter.

Jim T

PS only wet sleet here so far :cry: :cry:
thanks for the reply jt,have not tried them out yet but will do tomorrow.
off down the boozer now for a well needed pint and it`s stopped snowing but now just wet sleet like your place.
I think the download was by me and Sharkie, I didnt find the litle bolts to be any trouble, i have removed them a couple of times using long allan keys with a 'ball' end.

having said that, I think the Avm hubs have changed a little since we did the download as I don't thnk they recomend greasing them any more do they?
I bought a 1/2" drive allen key, (6mm AF I think !) so that I could torque them to the right value as the garage had overtightened them at some point and sheared a head off one.
That's why I service the mav myself now.

Why do garages and tyre replacement places always jack under sills, crushing the edges :x I always supervise the lifting now.
having said that, I think the Avm hubs have changed a little since we did the download as I don't thnk they recomend greasing them any more do they?

well mine are fully greased up...surely it cant do any harm can it? :(
Biggest problem with allen bolts is that they do round the head easily, using a good quality ball ended allen key can help, becuase they allow for some intolerance in the angle of the key in the bolt head.
too much grease in the hubs seemed to cause a suction etc and difficult to engage if i remember, mine have been on nearly 2 years i think and have not been took off or greased since lol, still turn them on and off to make sure not seized.
well just tried mine out for the first time today and they work fine,it`s nice to get 4 wheel drive back but just the tyres letting it down a bit now,cant wait to get the grizzly claws fitted then back onto the place i been today and see what difference they make although i must say i got everywhere today on the road tyres and it was very muddy and some good deep rutts and steepish inclines.
funny enough there was a lada up there today and he went everywhere that i went and some places that i dare not attempt and it looked bog standard as well...seem quite capable them things but i`ll stick to my terrano thanks very much. :lol:

Never underestimate a Lada, they are stupidly able off road, while being pretty useless on road. Its reliability that the oldr ones didn't have.
further to Shark1es comments, i did find we had put to much grease in mine when we fitted them (but i think it was the first set the club had ever done :oops: ) and they did seem to 'hydraulic' and not want to dissengae.

I think the newer ones had a teflon type coating internaly, and the instructions ae in English :lol:
all i did was tok them off and wiped a bit of the excess grease off, they worked fine after.

when i tool them off you could feel the resistance the grease caused i had to pull them off!
there is an old lada 4x4 (cossack?) close to me painted in army drab green with hammer and cylce logos and the reg number starts KGB! how cool is that?

Anyway they were 1600 petrol and struggled to do 20mpg if i remember correctly, i think lada claimed 24-26 mpg but in reality no one ever got it, not so cool now :lol: