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KEV, NEWTON AYCLIFFE. But never there due to job
Ellington, near morpeth, north east.:thumbs
thats the kid of thing, but i wan every one od the same map.

also we can make up any green lanes we know of, for all paid up members to see
you just add several of the pins to the same map zipps

hundreds if you like, and we will need to
lets get the members sorted then we will go for the lanes one together with bat when he gets back.
maybe pull in someone else to help
was hopeing each memebr add them self, save work. and people who want to be on are put on. dont want to add people who dont want to be added to it.

whens Bat Back?
any one know??
Quick bit of info to make it easy.
click the link below:

http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid= 116497231469066574005.000468723d65ecfc98f1b

then go to the very top right and click on the 'Sign In' tab
then on the right but slightly lower click on the 'Create an account now' tab
enter the required elements then you will be able to access the full map options.
on the left you should see a tab marked 'Edit'
click this
on the map at the top right you should see 4 small tabs and one is the pin pointer.
after zooming in to your home location click this pointer then place it at your location.
edit the title and info in the box that appears.
click ok
then edit the box at the left of the page and click 'save' then 'Done'
easy as that.lol
hope that was helpful...

Hope this works if not send me your email address and I will send a request direct or can add you on.
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