"Living" with prostate cancer.

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I am so very glad that I have not had any bad issues with my health, both of you are fighters with strength, not sure I could put up with what you both have, Rick

It's amazing what the body can do to fight infections and diseases, but the most important part is having a strong and determined mind. The will to live, to still make a difference. Yes there are times when I wanted to give up, there are members here that have listened to me with sincerity, sometimes at 2:00 am as various thoughts went through my mind.
I am absolutely positive that you Rick would be a fighter like us too. :thumb2
Bloke, we are ALWAYS thinking of you, ALWAYS rooting for you and ALWAYS impressed by your frankness and bravery.

Hang on in there.

Uncle Rustic is awesome and if you think differently I'll come and tweak your nipples or kick you in the goolies. OK? :thumb2
Chemo Therapy Cancelled !!!

I was due to have Chemo today but has it all gone pear shaped... Had poos on way home from our daughters yesterday, stopped at 3 service stations, was there over hour and half at each Blood in stools etc Bin liner on front car seat... And needed it lol last night we were on the phone to check nurses out of hours docs till 3:00 am this morning... Nearly a blue lights job... Anyway cause we think is the medication Naproxyn that the doc prescribed last week and insisted I take them as prescribed, I was reluctant but hey ho... When I read possible side effects, blood in stools was one, and also I had pins and needles in my right foot, both also symptoms of Spinal cord compression, which is a straight to surgery job.
Just had call from chemo suite, treatment delayed a week I was looking forward to starting a future with a better quality of life. :doh
Doctors... what do they know ? In fact they only need to get 40% to pass to become a doctor, which means they could be wrong 60% of the time. :eek::eek:

Uncle Rustic.

Naproxyn, yup, know all about that. Spent 4hours in A & E with the wife after she had been prescribed them for a slipped disc.

Scared the crap out of us, consultant said that the Gp should have also prescribed something else (can't remember name) which helps the stomach etc cope with the Naproxyn.

Chin up bloke.
Naproxyn, yup, know all about that. Spent 4hours in A & E with the wife after she had been prescribed them for a slipped disc.

Scared the crap out of us, consultant said that the Gp should have also prescribed something else (can't remember name) which helps the stomach etc cope with the Naproxyn.

Chin up bloke.
Yes I was prescribed omaprazole to settle the stomach, taken at same time.:thumb2
Be strong, we know you can do it....:grouphug:grouphug

You know... just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel...
you know the rest lol...

I was quite happy for the few days before, I thought things can only get better, but my wife and I were talking about this just now... What if the "condition" happened only a day or more later? they would have put the condition down to the chemo, as it's one of the possible side effects, so they would have stopped chemo there and then, and I'd still be taking the Naproxyn, making it worse again.

So looking on the bright side, which I try to do, then this was probably a blessing in disguise. :bow
Uncle Rustic
When I had to tolerate 'Land Agents' in my last job, we would say that just as you were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.......they would add more tunnel.....:nenau

On our office wall, when I worked in Building Services, we had,

"It's not the light at the end of the tunnel...

...it's some b*****d with a torch bringing more work!"

Rustic, can't imagine what you're going through but the strength and positivity you show is amazing.

Thoughts are with you mate.
Naproxyn not in our house aver again !

Strangely enough my wife was prescribed Naproxyn about two years ago for pain relief for stomach adhesion's due to "womens" surgery decades ago.

Anyway after being on the drug for about 4 months she started to experience quite serious bowel pain and bouts of vomiting plus having issues with her balance and general wellness.

Ended up having the old camera on a flexi-pipe down her throat and similar with endoscopy, Barium meal and some scans. Finally having to have a narrow tube inserted in her stomach via her nose to monitor her acid production over a 24 hour period at home with a recorder attached to the wires inside the tube.

In the end an extended course of Lansoprazole and other drugs were needed to fix her all this being attributed to having taken Naproxyn.
Naproxen, Kill or Cure ?

I am pleased between us we have highlighted the issues with Naproxen, I hope other members can recall this in the future, if they or their family and friends have to deal with some of the side effects.

I didn't realise till today the issues with the drug.
Thanks guys for spending the time to reply to this aspect of the thread, and to all those that have supported me at this time. :thumb2

Uncle Rustic
Update after second chemo

Hi guys, for those of you who might be interested, my third chemo is due on Thursday. This current session has been a difficult time. I was knocked off my feet for the first week, literally confined to bed, they say second and subsequent sessions get worse, as the toxins build up. Then the vaccine drug I was taking (1 per day for 5 days) to increase white blood cells started it's side effects with excruciating pains in the lower back. An emergency trip to hospital and a reduction in the number of vaccines helped to sort that. When they say on a scale of 1-10 what the pain is, I think I have found what 10 is now.:doh

However, last Sunday, (I had picked up a cold earlier in the week,) I was confronted with a chesty cough. A call to the chemo emergency number and off to A&E for an emergency intravenous antibiotic infusion. We were expected at the busy A&E and on arrival we were immediately directed to a side ward and treatment started within 15 minutes. More culture blood tests, white cell count. I was discharged later in the day, with my pack of antibiotics. The cold, not man flu lol, took out my second week, so mostly restricted me to stay at home.

So the next few days I have to do those jobs that must be done without tiring my self out. I am keeping a diary of my feelings and reactions to the treatment, If next session is as bad or worse than this one, taking me out for two out of the three weeks, then the quality of life is being affected. This session was compounded by the vaccine side effects and the infection I picked up.

It is early days yet to make any decisions about future treatment, or the benefits, if any, that the chemo is providing. No doubt a ct scan in the future may show that the tumours have shrunk and the treatment is working. :thumb2

Yesterday I serviced the lawn mower, new oil, clean air filter etc during this next session, I have to prep the Mav for it's mot. It has done very little since last year, and one casualty was the rear screen washer pump had seized. New one to arrive shortly. I should have ran the pumps once a month lol.The engine started first time, in 6 weeks lol, not bad for a 22 year old. It is kept in a warm dry garage though, and battery kept on charge.

The biggest problem we have is not being able to book or plan anything, when we arrange for family to visit, we have to confirm on the morning, even then, we had to rearrange one visit, last week, as they were travelling an hour from Cheshire as we were travelling 45 minutes to A&E

Heyho... as they say, one good week out of three is better than non at all.

Uncle Rustic

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