Easiest place to start looking is the front drivers door switch...
The drivers side door switch is different to the rest, as it has two separate contacts, one that turns the courtesy lights on, and one that tells the ECU the door is open for all the other things. On my car, it was the contacts in the switch that were very dirty, so not working. It's easiest to change the switch out, but I must admit I did take mine apart, cleaned it up, eased the contacts so they were a bit tighter, and then spent quite a bit of time trying to persuade it to go back together again as it's a fiddly little......
It's easy to remove just lift the rubber cover, undo the screw, and gently extract. You can then touch the wires against the body to see which wire does which, and test to see if one makes the lights come on, and the other makes it buzz. Then if there is no buzz, you have the fun of taking the bottom section of the dash out, to check the buzzer.