LED Lights

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My N/s/r cluster is cracked (Came like it when i bought it) and i thought it was a good offer.

I have no remote whatsoever :!:
Not on the key or a seperate fob.

Guess i will have to go to Nissan to see how much the damage will be.

Must have the cleanest interior ATM as the T" has been sitting on the drive for 2 weeks now :!:
will go to the P.O on sat to TAX it then i can drive it :smile:
Using my step sons A3 ATM.
It sounds like you may have the earlier type remote system, if fitted?

I'm guessing you have a red dot in the black plastic of the key. The type of remote is an oval shape with a red button and a blacl button. I've seen these on ebay quite cheap but I'm not sure if there are still two types. They are a doddle to reprogram, not tools required. I'm hoping some one will come back to us on this, I think the difference is frequency. What you could do with is a member that is close by and get together and try to reprogram a known working remote, this way if it works you simply search for identical remotes from ebay. I'm pretty sure the dealer will epmty your wallet several times over.

Jim T
Yes it is oval ish with red bit next to key blade

I will check the req later,
I think it is located under the drivers dash somewhere.

if i get no joy then i will get another alarm and get another key from nissan (Cheap one).
The red dot is a transponder which you need to start your car. A standard key will fit and turn the lock but it won't start. I think a new key will def be a dealer part even though I hate to say it.

Jim T
Yes it says NATS on the key and when i open the drivers door ALL the indicator flash untill i put ignition on.
Must have a bad connection to the alarm sounder or just knackered.

(Back to the origional thread)

Led's have turned up at work and they have 6 around the edge and 18 on the top :!:
I will see how they are later
If i can get a photo up i will put new one on O/S and origional on N/S
Sorry Thermostat, I know this is off your original thread but thought I aut to point it out before you go to Nissan and spend loads.

You should be able to get another key cut with a chip in for the immobiliser and the existing code from the key you have now, copied to it, at a good high street key cutting shop, it will be a darn site cheaper than going to Nissan.

Sounds like you will need a fob to open the car and turn the alarm off, this is separate to the key and can be reprogrammed by you in the car.
From past experience of my own fob, there are 2 types with different frequency’s both look the same but only one will work that is matched to your car.
Below are a couple for sale on ebay at the moment one of each type.



Just to add if I open my Terrano with the key in the door the alarm will go off until I put the key in the ignition, but fine if I use the fob.
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Hi guys have fitted LED bulbs to the back of the patrol done this to reduce load when wiring up upper lights on the back and leaving on when engine not running
Fitted the following number of bulbs 4 x 5wSide/21wStop 2 21wReversing 2 21wFog Also 2 x4head led mini side light front bulbs
Go the most number of led ones off ebay from china work as well if not better. Can leave light on for hours with no voltage drop in the batteries...
Fitted the led Brake lights last night and its more red but less bright
Did not have time to photo last night
will leave in for a while but the bulbs are red and i think it would be better in white (I'm sure thats what i ordered)
Next time i will go for 36 led instead of 24 and in white to see if thats brighter.

Has any body removed the lense from the brake light clusters as i have thought of spraying the inside of the mounting with a chrome paint to give more reflection. (I have got a bit of an obsession with people running into the back of me as i have had this happen i the past with one of my cars
(My poor A6 Avant 2.8 V6) and it was an AA van that hit me :!:

Also my other clusters turned up just now and the are both damaged ! 8O

Another £17 wasted (Should have known too good to be true at £8 plus postage)

Oh well you live and learn :roll:
Thanks Toolbox,

I will look at the frequency tonight and get a couple remotes ordered and will try a keycutter on sat at my nearest town (Horsham).
In the deep dark reccess of my memory and the draer marked trivia for later , I remember reading about some research that had been done with regards to roof bars and lights for emergency vehicles.

I seem to recall that LED's were far and away the best for night time but during the day for all round "spotting" whilst the difference wasnt that much the conventional bulbs were superior.

Not much help I know but hey :lol: :wink:
Toolbox Wrote:
From past experience of my own fob, there are 2 types with different frequency’s both look the same but only one will work that is matched to your car.

I sell remotes for something different at the same frequency as my system 433.92 Mhz
I will try these and let you all know how i get on[/quote]
Thermostat said:
I sell remotes for something different at the same frequency as my system 433.92 Mhz
I will try these and let you all know how i get on

Sounds like an access opening fob??????
Yes something like that.

did not work :|

will have to wait until the ebay item has finished and see if i win.

Ok remote was removed from e-bay (probably as i was the only bidder @ .99p)

The rear clusters were refunded and the seller does not want them back.
I will have a play to see if i can make new lenses for them and make them better looking.