K-seal NO-SEAL

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2009
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Have followed tips on another link but despite two bottles of K-seal for my heater matix ant 45 mins of being gassed and steamed alive it still does it. I don't fancy putting a new matrix in so plenty of Fishermans Friends for winter unless anyone knows of a sensible alternative?
Bypass idea is a good un but only short term. You'll end up leaving it until you're cold. Then you'll end up on the drive in mid dec fixing it. .

The problem with most leak stoppers is after more than one and by the time they've blocked more than a small hole they've also blocked smaller water galleries such as inside the heater matrix , so then it doesn't do a lot ! I've learnt that the hard way !!

I reckon best bet is bite the bullet and if the matrix is knackred , get stuck into sorting it.

Good luck. :thumb2
options are now you have tried it .

by pass it and put up with the cold . i think you can buy heaters to stop it freezing the wind screen from caravan or camping places

its loads of work to fix it , but id have a go at it . rather than sell it

or sell it quick before it becomes apparent its broke and get another one
Sales idea appealing as has 6 months tax and 12 months MOT. Must be worth a try on ebay?
I am sure you will highlight the defect when selling it. A member of this site was recently properly put through the ringer because a dishonest description on Ebay

Whilst it might be appealing and the phrase 'caveat emptor' may apply, don't forget a lot of people who buy used cars are a lot like you and me and not eccentric millionares who like the perverse challenge of a defective motor...

I'm pretty sure no one on this site would engage in such a practice though and I'm definitely not suggesting you would do such a thing, nor have you in any way implied it.

Alan ;)
Well I bought the Mav for £340 on ebay as spares or repairs and it steamed over winter a little just after I bought it. Gone worse now though. I have had many cars from ebay and as a rule of thumb if its cheap it probably has a hidden reason for sale. If I sold it on ebay, I would mention the heater, but I fear not many potential buyers would recognise the difficulty of sorting it.
If it goes, it would probably go traded-in and I wouldn't bat an eyelid about it.
At the £500 and below end of the ebay market most buyers would expect some hassle I think. And other than the heater, it runs and drives very well, so a purchaser could not grumble.
i remember a raw egg trick,used to work on radiators alot :lol
just by pass it and sell it with no heater. its not a mechanical problem is it. it still works fine .

most would buy it . not knowing its a shit job to do . and others will have forgotten how cold it got in the winter ...

and yes daved when it comes to cars i am ... had my share of shit
sold as seen . means you saw it if you buy its your risk ... id never lie though and always honest if asked... albeit a little non descriptive
Might try hawking it at a few used car lots this weekend. One in Morecambe offered me £350 p/x with a fortnight's MOT so now it has 12 months it must trade at £500 min as a p/x.
Car trader wanted to sell was a LWB Pajero but he wanted a grand for it!
K seal no seal

hi pc shedman.
fix it only takes a day if you get everything together.
I did mine over a weekend (see download) its not that bigger job just takes a bit of patience .
puts you in a working truck . for less than £100 .
or failing that find a smiths heater landrover ect. and put that in passenger footwell run hoses to drivers side and screen vents.
Brilliant alternative the Smiths heater -seen them on ebay - thanks